A Collect for Humility and Persistence
High King of Heaven, whose footstool is the whole Earth, incline our hearts to come to you with both persistence and humility, that we…
A Collect for When God is Silent
Wise God, who knows what we need, even if we believe otherwise, there are times when you are silent in the face of our need. Help us to…
A Collect for Humility in Acknowledging our Sin
Almighty God, who knows the thoughts and intentions of all, give us humility and honesty to recognize the evil we carry in our hearts,…
A Collect to See Our Hearts
Holy Lord, who speaks to us hard truths we need to hear, do not let us hide from what our words and our actions tell us about our hearts,…
A Collect to Avoid Foolish Leadership
Lord who sees and whose guidance is never faulty, keep us from leaders who point away from you and into sin and danger, and keep us from…
A Collect to Speak Truth in Love
God of honor and truth, who lifts up the fallen and brings down the haughty, keep us from fear of others’ disdain, that we would not…
A Collect to Focus on the Right Things
Holy Father, whose nature is purity and character is without blemish, keep us from focusing too much on useless rules and…
A Collect for Reverence
God of the miraculous and the ordinary, whose presence brings change to all around you, may our hearts be filled with awe at what you are…
A Collect to Fix Our Eyes on the Lord
Heavenly Father, who is our sure foundation, we are often distracted by the things of this world that seem important and sometimes…
A Collect for Trust in God’s Sustaining Power
God of the miraculous, who is not bound to the laws of this world you created, you sometimes bring us into situations and circumstances…