Category: Collects

  • A Collect to Be Continually Reconciled with Christ

    A Collect to Be Continually Reconciled with Christ

    Great Messiah, who shed your blood that we might live, speak to our hearts and invite us ever more to receive the reconciliation that you offer, that our whole selves might be brought near to you and be filled with your peace, through you who has made us one as you are one with the…

  • A Collect of Remembrance for God’s Work in Us

    A Collect of Remembrance for God’s Work in Us

    Gracious God, who has rescued us from alienation and sin, let us not forget where we have come from – our lives without you and lacking the hope that you bring, that we would be always grateful to you for rescuing us and for working in our hearts and lives to bring about the good…

  • A Collect for Healing

    A Collect for Healing

    Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the power of God flows freely, bring healing to our sick and broken frames, that we would be relieved from our suffering and would recover strength to praise you for your goodness, through you who reigns over all creation with the Father and Holy Spirit in glory forever and ever.…

  • A Collect to Know When to Work and Rest

    A Collect to Know When to Work and Rest

    Great shepherd, who leads your flock with compassion, grant us wisdom to know when to rest and when to push beyond our limits, that we would find the space to renew ourselves but also find strength to continue the work you have called us to do, through you who lives and reigns in wisdom and…

  • A Collect for Compassion

    A Collect for Compassion

    Great Rabbi, who teaches many things for our good, grant us compassion for those who are in need, that we might care about and care for your children as you do and join in your work of loving the world, through you who gave yourself for our sake and was raised to new life by…

  • A Collect for Rest

    A Collect for Rest

    Lord Jesus, who has taught us much about life and work with you, grant us rest when we need to get away from all that must be done, that we might have time to recover from the work that you have given and return ready to again pick up your ministry of reconciliation and the…

  • A Collect for Joy at God’s Presence

    A Collect for Joy at God’s Presence

    Great and mighty God, to whom is all praise and glory and honor and power, fill our hearts with gratitude and joy whenever we enter your presence, that you would be honored and that we would recognize your goodness and respond with the praise you deserve always, through Jesus Christ your son, who reigns with…

  • A Collect to Praise Jesus

    A Collect to Praise Jesus

    Christ our hope, who lived the perfect life that we cannot, may our lives be ever oriented towards you, that you would receive daily our praise and our lives would draw others to likewise recognize your glory and praise you for your goodness, through you who reigns over all things with the Father and Holy…

  • A Collect to be Worthy to Receive God’s Gifts

    A Collect to be Worthy to Receive God’s Gifts

    Almighty God, to whom belongs all the treasures of heaven and earth, make us worthy to receive the inheritance that you have prepared for us, that we would join in your grand purpose for creation and align ourselves with your will, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns over all things with you and the…

  • A Collect to Understand and Participate in God’s Will

    A Collect to Understand and Participate in God’s Will

    O Lord God, who is above all things in heaven and earth, reveal your will to us, and grant that we might understand what you are about, that we could participate in the work you have begun which will be completed at the fullness of time, through Christ our redeemer, who lives with you and…