A Collect to Remember to Call Upon the Spirit
Ever-present Spirit, from whom nothing is hidden, let us not forget your presence among us, that we would not discern through only our…
A Collect for Careful Discernment
Patient Father, whose wisdom exceeds all that humankind has created, keep us careful in discernment when dealing with spiritual realities…
A Collect for Compassion in our Authority
Compassionate Father, who offered for us a way to be free from our sins, help us to be merciful to and understanding toward our fellow…
A Collect to Know Where to Set Boundaries
Merciful King, who knows our needs for boundaries and limitations, keep us from codependence and exerting ourselves beyond what is useful…
A Collect for Patience in Conflict
Gracious Lord, who loves each of us and wants none of us to be lost, let us not be too quick to judge one another, but help us to…
A Collect for When We Feel Alone in Conflict
Lord Christ, of whose body we are a part, let us not forget that we are part of the gathering of your people and that when we are in…
A Collect for Love in Confrontation
Loving Father, who is gentle with us, give us gentleness and courage when we must confront one another, that we would show a reflection…
A Collect for Strength in Doing Good Works
Empower our hands, O Lord of glory, to labor on this earth toward good works in love, faith, and hope, that when you return, we will be…
A Collect for Life Now and in Eternity
Lord God, who promises life to those who come to you, keep us from destroying ourselves in chasing after our own desires. Show us what it…
A Collect for Strength
Lord Jesus, who leads us toward a heavenly home, give us strength to give up those things that are detrimental to our lives and to your…