A Collect to Imitate Christ and Revere Him
Lord Jesus Christ, who set an example for us that we should walk in it, grant us a fervent desire to imitate you, trusting in your…
A Collect to Be Students
Merciful God, who is patient with us when we resist our position, help us to find security even despite our limitations and lack of…
A Collect for Security in God’s Love
Almighty God, who needs nothing from your creation, but loves us freely, secure us so deeply in your love that we do not need the esteem…
A Collect for an Election
Almighty God, who humbles the proud and lifts up the meek, keep us from too much concern with winning, believing that it is all that…
A Collect for Carrying Burdens
Lord Jesus, possessed of both divinity and humanity, you stooped to bear the burdens of sin and struggle with us. Let not our pride keep…
A Collect to Both Practice and Preach Virtue
High King of Heaven, who stooped low in love for your people, keep us from virtue only in word, but give us a fervency to practice the…
A Collect to Love Divine Law
Heavenly Father, whose ways are good and meant for our benefit, instill in us a love for your law and your ways, that we would naturally…
A Collect of Praise for Jesus’ Rule
Lord Jesus Christ, exalted to the highest place, we praise you for your glory, and we await the day when your enemies will submit to your…
A Collect to Eschew Overweening Certitude
Heavenly Father, whose wisdom is bound up with compassion, keep us from haughty certainty in our own knowledge, and keep us from…
A Collect to Respect the Wisdom of Christ
Lord Jesus, whose wisdom exceeds all the great libraries and teachers of the world, grant us respect for your understanding and the…