A Collect to See God’s Care for All
God of all riches, out of whose hand we all receive our food, keep us from envy, and give us eyes to see your generosity and love, that…
A Collect to Avoid Fruitless Comparison
Heavenly Father, whose love is given freely to all, keep us from fruitless comparison and envy, that we would not fall prey to jealous…
A Collect to Eschew Grumbling
Great King of all creation, in whose fields we labor, forgive us when in this fallen and struggling world, we grumble and complain…
A Collect for Patience in Our Work on Earth
Holy Lord, who learned patience when you took on our nature, we await with anticipation the reward that we are to receive, but give us…
A Collect to Wait Well
Heavenly Father, who is creator and owner of all that we know, help us to accept that your timing is not our own, that when we find…
A Collect to Submit to the Lord’s Work
Almighty God, Lord of all creation, you have prepared for us work to do in your world. Give us humble hearts that will submit to your…
A Collect for Our Hearts to Change
Heavenly Father, who attends not only to our actions, but to our hearts, show us where our hearts have been impure or divided, that we…
A Collect to Forgive Others
Holy Lord, whose mercy is not without justice, we have been forgiven much. Impress on our hearts the call this inspires for us to forgive…
A Collect of Gratitude for God’s Mercy
Merciful Lord, who in your compassion forgives our debts, we thank you for your mercy and generosity to us, who have offended against you…
A Collect to Forgive Well
Merciful Lord, whose patience with us is far beyond our understanding, teach us to forgive as you forgive us, that we would free…