A Lenten Collect to Not Waste Ourselves
Loving Lord, who provides for us good things to satisfy our souls, keep us from wasting ourselves on that which entices but does not satisfy, that we would delight ourselves in what is good and lasting, remaining strong and tied to you and to one another, through Christ our teacher, who showed us how you…
A Lenten Collect to Nurture Those in Need
Lord God, you who has cared well for us, incline our hearts to nurture those that need it, lest we heap further punishment and abuse on those who struggle and instead give support to them that they may one day bear good fruit, through Christ the vine, through whom we connect and receive life from…
A Lenten Collect to Fulfill God’s Desire for Us
Gardener of our souls, we thank you for giving us more chances when we fail to fulfill your desire for us. Grant us grace to bear good fruit, that we might repay you for the good you have done for us, through Christ our Lord, who intercedes on our behalf before your throne in the…
A Lenten Collect to Repent
Great counselor, our conscience and source of wisdom, move us in our hearts to repent of our sin and foolishness, that we would not be destroyed but receive your mercy and escape the consequences that evil requires, through Christ our savior who died that we might live and now reigns in goodness and love with…
A Lenten Collect to not Assume Others’ Guilt
Holy God, judge of all people, keep us from simplistic assumptions, that we would not judge others for their misfortune but seek always to love and place others lives in your hands, through Christ our savior, who died that we might live and now reigns above with the Father and Holy Spirit in glory forever.…
A Lenten Collect to Eschew Ensnarement to Earthly Things
Holy God, whose nature is goodness and joy and love, draw our minds and hearts from earthly things, that we would not be ensnared by that which leads to destruction but be drawn to things that bring real life and satisfy the soul, through Jesus our brother, who showed us the way to the Father…
A Lenten Collect for Examples to Follow
Lord Jesus, who set the foundation of the church through your disciples, give us mentors and fathers and mothers that we would have good and righteous examples to follow who demonstrate your love and virtue and inspire us to do the same, through you who loved us to the end and now rules over all…
A Lenten Collect to See God in the World
God of all creation, whose handiwork exceeds our understanding, open our eyes to see what you have wrought, that we would recognize what you are communicating to us through your works and hear your reassurances and wisdom in the world you created, through Christ our Lord who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one…
A Lenten Collect to Trust in God’s Promises
You who hung the stars in place, grant us faith to trust in your promises, that we, like Abraham, would be counted righteous and hold on to your words as our very life, through Christ our redeemer, who with you and the Holy Spirit in great wisdom set the pillars of the earth and reigns…
A Lenten Collect for Reassurance
Gentle Father, who knows our weakness, reassure us when we are afraid, that strengthened by your care, we would be emboldened to fulfill your will for us in the world, through Christ our savior, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. ‘After these things the word of the…