Collects and Thoughts

  • An Epiphany Collect

    An Epiphany Collect

    Jesus, born king of the Jews and of all peoples, instill in us a longing to search for what you are about in us and in the world, that we would know how to join in your work and bring honor to you among all nations, through you who came in vulnerability and was exalted…

  • A Collect to See the Blessings of God

    A Collect to See the Blessings of God

    Heavenly Father, who abides in heaven in glory, open our eyes to see the blessings you have given us, that we would receive the gifts you desire for us to have and would rejoice in the goodness you bring to your children, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with you in the Holy Spirit,…

  • A Collect to Remember Christ Always

    A Collect to Remember Christ Always

    Blessed Jesus, who has given us all things for our good and for your pleasure, help us to remember you as we speak and work and go about our lives, that you would be honored and glorified by what we do, and we would thank the Father for the good you continue to do for…

  • A Collect to Receive God’s Word

    A Collect to Receive God’s Word

    Lord God, source of all wisdom and knowledge, open our minds to receive your word and your wisdom, that we would know what it is that you desire of us and how you have created us to live and abide together and so live well in the world you have created for us to enjoy,…

  • A Collect to Embrace the Peace of God

    A Collect to Embrace the Peace of God

    Spirit of the Lord, the presence of the Almighty with us, grant us peace, and grant us the capacity to embrace that peace, that we would not be buffeted by the troubles of this world or the pains of our past but trust in you as much as we are able, through Christ our savior…

  • A Collect to Accept Good Times and Bad

    A Collect to Accept Good Times and Bad

    Lord over all time and space, who has known the end from the beginning, teach us to accept both good times and bad, that we would trust in you no matter what comes and rejoice that you remain always sovereign and that your ultimate plan can never fail, through Christ our redeemer who is alive…

  • A Collect to Love One Another Well

    A Collect to Love One Another Well

    Father of all creation, who in your great delight brought all things into being, help us to love one another well as you have loved us, that we would be children of our Father, fulfilling our nature, and bringing your light and goodness to all we touch in the world, through Christ our Lord, who…

  • A Collect to Forgive

    A Collect to Forgive

    Gracious Father, who has forgiven us much throughout our lives, teach us to forgive one another, that we might follow in your footsteps and learn to love one another well as you have loved us, through Christ our savior, who died that we might live and now lives forever with you and the Holy Spirit,…

  • A Collect to Seek Virtue

    A Collect to Seek Virtue

    God of virtue and all goodness, whose nature defines that which is worthy of seeking, stir in our hearts a desire to seek and embrace virtue, that our lives might be characterized by compassion, kindness, humility, and patience, through Christ our example, who showed us your goodness and then returned to your side in the…

  • A Collect to Receive Jesus

    A Collect to Receive Jesus

    Lord Jesus, by whom we were created and to whom we belong, incline our hearts to receive you when you come to us, that we would not in our confusion and pride and fear lose what you offer but find you to be what satisfies our souls, through you who lives and reigns with the…


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