Collects and Thoughts

  • A Collect to be Enlightened by Christ

    A Collect to be Enlightened by Christ

    Glorious Jesus, the radiance of God in human frame, may we be enlightened by the light you bring into the world, that we might be transformed by being in your presence and become like you in knowledge and goodness and love, through you who reigns in heaven on high with the Father and Holy Spirit,…

  • A Collect to See and Understand Jesus

    A Collect to See and Understand Jesus

    Lord Jesus Christ, who took on our nature to be with us, shine your light on us and open our eyes to see, that we would understand your goodness and your ways and receive all that you are about in the world and in our hearts, through you who lives and reigns with the Father…

  • A Christmas Collect

    A Christmas Collect

    Gracious Lord Jesus, the glory of the Father, we thank you for taking on our flesh and living among us, that you might share our joys and struggles and know us fully and that we might be able to be with you as sibling and companion and friend, through you who reached down to us…

  • A Collect for Deliverance

    A Collect for Deliverance

    Lord God of Israel and of all people, whose arm is strong enough to save, come and rescue us who are weak and small and in need of your deliverance, that your promises would be fulfilled and that we would praise you again for your goodness and power and mercy, through Christ our Lord who…

  • A Collect to Fear God

    A Collect to Fear God

    Lord God, high above all rulers and authorities, show us what it means to fear you rightly, that in fearing you, we might also receive from you mercy and salvation and redemption as you have demonstrated to many who have gone before us, through Christ our Lord, who reigns with you in the Holy Spirit,…

  • A Collect to Rejoice Over God’s Goodness

    A Collect to Rejoice Over God’s Goodness

    Lord God our savior, who is faithful and has promised good things, open our eyes to see how you have looked upon us with favor, that we would rejoice over what you have done for us and be glad for your generosity and attention and care, through Christ our Lord, who reigns with you and…

  • A Collect to Remember God’s Goodness

    A Collect to Remember God’s Goodness

    God of glory, who has done and will continue to do great things for the people you love, call us to remember always your goodness, that whether in good times or bad, our spirits would be buoyed with joy at your love and generosity, through Christ our savior, who gave himself for us and now…

  • A Collect to be Immersed in the Spirit of Christ

    A Collect to be Immersed in the Spirit of Christ

    Great Jesus Christ, before whom we are not worthy to stand, immerse us in your Spirit, that we would be made clean and pure, able to abide in your presence and ready to be made useful for whatever you have prepared for us, through you who reigns over all things at the right hand of…

  • A Collect for Contentment

    A Collect for Contentment

    Lord of all creation, who has provided good things for all those whom you love, help us to be content with what you have given, that we would not hoard and steal from others nor find security and joy only in the things of this world but rest secure in your ways and your treasures…

  • A Collect to Eschew Abusing Our Power

    A Collect to Eschew Abusing Our Power

    Great Counsellor, the very presence of God with us, keep far from us the temptation to abuse our authority, that we would tend well those you have placed in our care and keep ourselves pure from selfishness and greed and all those things that defy your will and your nature, through Christ our Lord, who…


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