A Collect to Receive Love
Loving Father, who acted on behalf of your beloved creation when we could not save ourselves, open our hearts to receive your love, that…
A Collect for Humility and Courage when we Do Not Know
Gracious Teacher, who is patient with us as we grow to be like you, give us humility to be honest when we do not understand and courage…
A Collect for Humility and Wisdom
God of all knowledge, whose understanding exceeds all that we may grasp, help us to accept our limitations, yet still recognize what is…
A Collect for Persistence in Growth
Patient Father, who is not troubled by our slowness but understands our process of growth, we strive to enter your kingdom, but recognize…
A Collect for Sight
Omniscient Father, from whom nothing is hidden, give us eyes to see the kingdom of God in our midst, that we might recognize how your…
A Collect for Fear
Compassionate teacher, who knows that we are but dust, we thank you for understanding when we are afraid and giving us grace regardless….
A Collect in Trouble
Lord of all, who is ever willing to help those who call on you, keep us from the temptation to hide and solve our troubles without you,…
A Collect Against Self-Justification
Lord of all knowledge, who knows the heart for you created it, reveal to us when we seek to justify ourselves and rationalize our unwise…
A Collect to Remember God’s Joy
God of joy, who is always seeking us when we are lost, remind us that you don’t seek us out of duty or anger, but out of a desire to show…
A Collect to Act With God
Steadfast Jesus, who withstood the soothing whispers of the accuser, keep us connected to the Father and in remembrance that the Spirit…