Category: Collects

  • A Collect to Let Go of That Which Hinders

    A Collect to Let Go of That Which Hinders

    Great teacher, who came down from the Father to grant us true wisdom, give us the courage to let go of those things that hinder us from entering your kingdom, that we would be free to receive what you desire to give us and we would enjoy the rewards you have prepared for us since…

  • A Collect for Help to Enter Christ’s Kingdom

    A Collect for Help to Enter Christ’s Kingdom

    Great teacher, who showed us the way and walked before us, it is difficult to enter into your kingdom. Help us in our weakness, that we might desire what you desire, believe what you believe, and live as you lived. This we ask through you who intercedes for us before the Father in the Holy…

  • A Collect to Hold Wealth Loosely

    A Collect to Hold Wealth Loosely

    Lord of all creation, by whose graciousness we possess all that we have, keep us from attaching overly strongly to our wealth and possessions, that our determination would be always to live not according to the laws of this material world, but according to the ways of your kingdom, through your beloved Son, who showed…

  • A Collect for Generous Hearts

    A Collect for Generous Hearts

    Lord Jesus, who gave up all things for our sake, grant us generous hearts, that we would give willingly to those in need and so discover wealth of a lasting kind in heaven, through you who reigns over all things in compassion and joy with the Father and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen. ‘Jesus,…

  • A Collect to Unburden Ourselves

    A Collect to Unburden Ourselves

    Spirit of Truth, who knows us deeper than we know ourselves, reveal to us those things to which we are bound and which keep us from you and your kingdom, that we might let go of our burdens and be free to follow you, trusting in greater things to come, through Christ our redeemer, who…

  • A Collect to Accept Both Good and Bad

    A Collect to Accept Both Good and Bad

    God of wisdom and strength, who is sovereign over all things that happen, grant us patience and understanding to accept whatever comes, that we might trust in you and your plan, believing that ultimately your goodness will prevail for us and all creation, through Christ our Lord, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,…

  • A Collect to be Increasingly Sanctified

    A Collect to be Increasingly Sanctified

    Loving Father, by whom all things were made, including we your children, continue to sanctify us through your beloved son, Jesus, that we might be more and more made drawn into your kingdom and your ways, following in the footsteps of our glorified brother, through him who died for all and was raised to new…

  • A Collect of Thanks for Christ’s Suffering for Us

    A Collect of Thanks for Christ’s Suffering for Us

    Generous Lord, who is crowned with glory and honor, we thank you for suffering for our sake, that we might receive the grace of God and one day be made perfect as you are perfect, through you who now reigns over all things with the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. ‘…but…

  • A Collect to Hear and Understand Jesus

    A Collect to Hear and Understand Jesus

    Son of the Almighty, creator of all things and heir of the Most High, open our ears to hear what you have spoken and to understand your teachings, that we would know the will of God and walk in your ways and so remain within your good and pleasant design for us all, through you…

  • A Collect to Receive the Kingdom as a Child

    A Collect to Receive the Kingdom as a Child

    Loving Father, who watches over us all with care and great attention, teach us how to come to you as a child, that we might enter your kingdom as you desire, knowing our smallness and receiving from you all that we need, through Christ our brother, who showed us the way and now reigns in…