A Collect for Awareness
“Philip said to him, ‘Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been with you so long, and you still…
A Collect for the 11th Week after Pentecost
Pure and Holy Lord, who turns even evil so that it might be made a blessing to your people, do not let us waste our time with useless…
A Collect for the 10th Week after Pentecost
Gentle Teacher, who comes to us in ways we do not always expect, we confess to you that we are sometimes afraid, and that we make choices…
Quote Card for August 11th
#QuoteCard #CSLewis #Hell
A Collect for the 9th Week after Pentecost
Mighty One, who struggles with us and blesses us, give us endurance to carry on as we wrestle with you and with our own hearts, and give…
Quote Card for August 4th
#QuoteCard #Ignatius #Reform
A Collect for the 8th Week after Pentecost
Almighty One, whose worth is greater than all treasures that we might discover, for you made them, and apart from you, no treasure would…
Quote Card for July 28th
#QuoteCard #Calvin #Love #Rest
A Collect for the 7th Week after Pentecost
Teacher, who sows wisdom into our hearts, teach us to live connected to you through your Spirit in us, so that, as we and all creation…
Quote Card for July 21st
#QuoteCard #Packer #Study