A Collect to Imitate Christ in the World
Beloved of the Father, who revealed the character of God through your life in the flesh, envelope us in peace and fashion us in your…
A Collect for Redeemed Wounds
Wounded one, who was pierced for our sin, redeem our wounds and brokenness, not that our scars would be erased, but that the marks left…
A Collect for Peace in Fear
Lord Jesus, who brings with you perfect assurance, make yourself known among us and bring with you peace, that our actions would not be…
A Collect for Faith, Hope, and Love
Heavenly One, whose kingdom encompasses all that is, draw our hearts to things above, that we might trust in you, hope for your goodness,…
A Collect for Joy that Overflows
Beloved Jesus, who makes himself known in our need, cause our hearts to be overflowing with joy at your presence, that it might spur us…
Collect to See and Learn from Jesus
Rabbouni, source of all wisdom and the one who knows all things, open our eyes to see you present in the world around us, that we might…
A Collect to Remain with God
Glorious Lord, whose face we cannot see lest we be overwhelmed, even though we do not always recognize when you are present, fill our…
A Collect in Times of Weeping
Compassionate Father, whose heart breaks for your children’s suffering, we thank you for not abandoning those who weep, but bending down…
A Collect for Easter
Living God, who has overcome death and the grave, gather us into your life, that with you, even should we fall prey to death, we might…
A Collect during Silence
God of hiddenness, who sometimes wraps himself in silence and hides from our eyes, give us strength to honor you, even when you are…