A Collect to Remember to Whom We Belong
Loving God, who created for yourself, let us not lose sight of the truth that we belong to you, that our hearts would be filled with joy…
A Collect to Receive the Word of the Lord
Spirit of Truth, who speaks to us because the Father has given you words, soften our hearts to hear what you are saying, that we would…
A Collect of Thanks to God
Shepherd of souls, to whom we belong as your sheep, we thank you for entrusting us to your dear Son, and for making yourself known…
A Collect to Glorify the Lord
God of earth and heaven, whose glory is everlasting, show us what works you have set before us that would bring you glory, that we might…
A Collect for Knowledge of God Leading to True Life
Living God, whose joy overflows into life for all, draw us into real knowledge and relationship with you, that we would experience the…
A Collect to Give when we Receive
Son of Man, whose life was lived in service of the Father and of all those you love, give us right hearts, secure in our life in you,…
A Collect for Love
Blessed Savior, who showed us the full measure of love, fill our hearts with love and gratitude toward you, that we would naturally…
A Collect to be Made Holy through Union
Holy Spirit, who binds together the faithful with God, unite us with you and with the Father and with the Son, that we would experience…
A Collect to See God Present and Active
Invisible God, who made himself visible for a time, reveal yourself to us in your presence and working in the world, that we would not…
A Collect to Receive the Spirit Fully
Spirit of truth, who abides with us and in us, give us grace to cast off those things that prevent us from receiving you, that our…