A Collect for Easter
Living God, who has overcome death and the grave, gather us into your life, that with you, even should we fall prey to death, we might…
A Collect during Silence
God of hiddenness, who sometimes wraps himself in silence and hides from our eyes, give us strength to honor you, even when you are…
A Collect for Restoration in Foolishness
Suffering servant, who allowed himself to be bound, not because you could not resist, but for the sake of those you love, give us true…
A Collect to be Willing to Love
Humble God, who is not ashamed to lower himself for others’ sake, let not our pride get in the way of doing what is necessary, but give…
A Collect in Guilt
Merciful God, who knows our broken souls, forgive us for the times we have betrayed you through sin and neglect, and show us your…
A Collect to Rejoice in Difficulty
Savior of the world, sent by the Father in his great love, help us to see the salvation you are bringing even as we live in troubled…
A Collect to Prepare the Way
Coming King, who will appear in both humility and glory, show us how we must prepare the way for you, that your coming would not be one…
A Collect to Emulate Christ’s Humility
Humble Lord, who willingly lowered yourself for our sake, help us to follow in your example and be willing to humble ourselves for the…
A Collect for Grief or Hurt
Compassionate Savior, who is moved by our pain, make yourself known to us in times of struggle and suffering, that we would not weep…
A Collect for Life
Wellspring of all being, through whom we receive real life, make us receptive to your ways, that we might not go through our time on…