A Collect for Perseverance
Longsuffering Jesus, who endured greater pain than we could comprehend, give us endurance to persevere through the difficulties and…
A Collect to Return Good for Evil
Patient God, who endured the scorn and ridicule of those you love, give us your calm and patience when we are attacked and vilified, and…
A Collect to Be Used of the Spirit
Holy Spirit, whose words enliven the soul, speak through us and do not let our foibles and sins get in the way of your words, that what…
A Collect for Wisdom and Innocence
Loving Lord, who sends us out to continue your redemptive mission, keep us from arrogance and foolishness, that our attempts to follow in…
A Collect for Anxiety over our Needs
Lord who owns the cattle on all hills, save us from our unnecessary anxiety, and enable us to trust in your provision and care for us,…
A Collect to Proclaim the Kingdom Near
King of Kings, who rules the world in justice and care, fill our mouths with assurances that you are present and active in the world and…
A Collect to Accomplish the Mission of God
Good Shepherd, who provides teaching and healing for a needy world, send out your people to accomplish your works, and give us hearts…
A Collect to Live Out God’s Commandments
King of Kings, who rules with great wisdom from above, make us receptive to your commands, that we would take your word into our hearts…
A Collect to Spread the Gospel
God of all creation, who loves each person and culture in its uniqueness, grant us the willingness to go wherever you call us, that the…
A Collect to Become True Disciples
Great teacher, who gives wisdom to those who are willing to receive, open our hearts to truly be disciples of your ways, that we would…