A Collect to Ask for Wisdom
Lord of all knowledge, who designed creation and understands its workings, give us a thirst for understanding and the presence of mind to…
A Collect to Find Our Work
Lord Jesus, who knows our weakness and is gentle with us, grant us willingness to take on the work that you have for us, that we would…
A Collect for Periods of Rest
Gentle Savior, who knows our struggles because you shared them with us, grant us spaces of rest from the struggles of this broken world,…
A Collect to Find Wisdom in the Least
Wise Father, who knows our needs for your designed our minds and bodies, grant to us humility, that rather than being assured of our…
A Collect for Laws to Be About Love
God of love, who reached down to us while we were unlovely and sinful, let not our hearts be dominated by rules and order, but give us…
A Collect to Refrain from Judgement
Gracious Lord, who knows the true thoughts and intentions of our hearts, keep us from judging others quickly or falsely, that we would…
A Collect to Strive to Love Others Well
Patient Father, who waits for our understanding to catch up with your wisdom, teach us not to condemn others quickly in our distaste or…
A Collect to Set Aside Our Expectations
Ineffable Divinity, who is entirely beyond our understanding, forgive us for demanding that you fit our expectations and desires, and…
A Collect to Eschew Autonomy
Spirit of Righteousness, who gladly receives us and the work we offer, incline our hearts to offer our bodies to you for the holy works…
A Collect to Obey Love and Holiness
Our Lord and Master, whose yolk is easy even though it still requires work, you have set us free from slavery to sin, but our hearts are…