A Collect for Forgiveness for Lacking Compassion
Lord Christ, whose heart overflows continually with compassion, forgive us for our hard-heartedness and for the times we have neglected…
A Collect for Unity and Empathy
God of compassion, who feels the pain and the joys of those you love, give us hearts like yours that are bound to those of the family of…
A Collect for God’s Blessing
Great king of glory, Father of all creation, bless us, O Lord, that we would receive from you goodness and be affirmed and shown love,…
A Collect for Mercy in Judgement
Almighty God, in whose hand is authority over all creation, you have the right to sift through us and sort us as you will. We ask that…
A Collect to Be Dazzled By Christ’s Brightness
Lord of Lords, who was exalted to the highest place, draw our eyes to you, and let us fall on our faces in awe of your glory and majesty,…
A Collect to Look to the Lord
Invisible God, whose glory is too great that we should see you fully, keep us looking for you, even when we cannot see you, for you are…
A Collect to Believe the Goodness that we Have
Merciful Lord, who does not wish that any should fail to accept your grace, keep us from believing the lies that we have nothing or that…
A Collect to Utilize Opportunities for the Father
Almighty God, orchestrator of all the universe, open our eyes to see the opportunities you have presented to us, that we would not waste…
A Collect to Go Beyond the Fear of the Lord
Almighty God, whose lightnings flash, but whose kindness surrounds us, while you are great and powerful, let us not live merely in fear…
A Collect for Faithfulness in Small Things
High Lord and Master, whose joy is our hearts’ desire, help us to content ourselves with the small things you have entrusted to us, and…