A Collect to Look to Jesus for Redemption
Lord God of Hosts, who lifts up all who are brought low, as we look for redemption and salvation, longing for solutions to the troubles…
A Collect to Embrace the Good and Bad
Merciful Lord, who shares with us in our joy and our pain, let us not eschew the sufferings that this broken world offers, and teach us…
A Collect for the Rising and Falling of Many
Son of Man, who was prophesied to save the people of Israel and all the earth, raise up those who are lowly and meek and in need and cast…
A Collect for Many to Turn to Christ
Light of the nations, who has come into the world to give your light to all, praise to you for revealing yourself to the world and…
A Collect to Remember the Goodness of God
God of gods, light of the world, who resides in the hearts of those who invite you in, create in us a well where we may keep the…
A Collect for Christmas and for the Joy of the Lord
Mighty Lord, who took on the vulnerability of an infant, we are immeasurably grateful for your willingness to take on our flesh, to walk…
A Collect for God to Show His Power on Behalf of the Needy
Shield and defender of the weak, whose might is exercised on behalf of the vulnerable, we await your coming in power and long for the day…
A Collect for God’s Favor
Almighty God, Savior of all people, look with favor on your people, and give special attention to those who are in trouble, despair, or…
A Collect for Surrender
Lord Jesus, who humbled himself and took the form of a servant, give us humility to surrender ourselves to the will of the Lord, that we…
A Collect to See God in the Unexpected
God of the unexpected, who works for good in ways we do not always see, enlarge our trust in you and in what you are doing in and for us,…