A Collect for the Sixth Week of Easter
Abiding Spirit, sent by the Son, that we might not be orphaned, turn our senses to your inner presence, that we might recognize your…
A Collect for the Fifth Week of Easter
You who are the way, the truth, and the life, teach us to turn to you for our salvation, not only as we seek to enter the Father’s house,…
A Collect for the Fourth Week of Easter
You who are the way, the truth, and the life, by whom we may enter into the sheepfold of the Father, give us wisdom to hear and heed your…
A Collect for the Third Week of Easter
Holy Lord, who walked among us and patiently opened the scriptures to your disciples at Emmaus, open our eyes to see you walking beside…
A Collect for the Second Week of Easter
Glorified Jesus, who still bears the wounds of your vulnerability and freely offered them to Thomas that he might believe and your…
A Collect for the First Week of Easter
Risen and triumphant Lord, who demonstrated the fullness of love in your willingness to endure such suffering on our behalf, open our…