Lord Jesus, who was lifted up for our sakes, so move our hearts to look to you and trust in the power you have to save us, that we would be rescued from the toxins that flow through our souls and cause us to languish. Stir in us the belief that you are able to do what you have promised so that we would continually turn to you, through you who was lifted up on a cross and again lifted up to the highest place with the Father and Holy Spirit. Amen. ‘And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.’ – John 3:14-15 I find it easy to slide into despair at times. Others, I know, will wrestle with circumstances endlessly and sometimes fruitlessly. Are you tempted towards either one? How difficult do you find it to turn in struggles to Jesus and ask his guidance and rescue? What would make it easier for you to connect with Christ first in your need and receive what he offers?