A Collect for Patience in Trouble
Lord over all time, who sees the past and the future, give us patience when you do not respond immediately in our time of trial, that we…
Healing a Man Born Blind: A Novelization
“A penny?” asked the man, sitting at the side of the road.A few of the disciples looked over, and Nathaniel put a hand on Judas’ arm. “We can spare a bit, right?”The group’s treasurer grimaced a bit, but he unslung the money satchel and reached in. He pulled out a pair of coins and passed…
A Collect for Truth in Opposition and Conflict
Strong Tower, to whom we can run to find safety, give us courage to speak the truth in the face of anger and opposition, that even though…
A Collect to Remember Mutual Relationship
Almighty God, whose power is limitless, yet who stoops to hear his beloved children, we thank you for hearing us and for taking heed of…
A Collect for Trust in Obscureness
Great Physician, whose methods bring sight to the blind, help us to trust in your ways, even when they seem wrong or inscrutable, that we…
A Collect for Openness to the Unexpected
Great Teacher, who gives wisdom to all who ask, help us not to become trapped by faulty assumptions, but be open to you working in ways…
A Collect for Sustenance in Relationship
Holy God, who gives all their food in due time, we acknowledge that we cannot live on bread alone, but our hearts are sustained by our…
The Woman at the Well: A Novelization
The sun beat down on the travelers as they marched north toward Galilee. For many of them, it was home, but a homecoming was the last thing on most of their minds. Going back to familiar places was a blessing, of course, but there was nothing about the journey getting there that made any of…
A Collect to Worship in All Places
God of all the universe, who is present to us in all places, call us to find you wherever we are, that we would recognize the holiness…
A Collect to Find the Spirit Within
Spirit of the Living God, who has promised refreshment even in the desert, make space in our lives that we might rediscover the…