A Collect to Make Space
Lord of Flesh and Spirit, who walked as we do and so knows our needs, help us to imitate you and to find space to be with the Father,…
A Collect for Holy Desires
God of all creation, who has provided for us good things, show us the error of our desires, where we have lusted after wrong things that…
A Collect for Gratitude
Generous Father, who has provided for all of us, we thank you for giving us all that we need and requiring nothing in return. Give us…
A Collect for Provision in Doubt
Lord Jesus, who multiplies matter and defies death, with our limitations and fears, we fall prey to doubting your provision and care. In…
A Collect for Daily Bread
Almighty Father, who has no needs, yet knows what it is to be limited, for you took on our limitations, give us the things we need from…
A Collect to Sacrifice in Faith
Worker of miracles, who makes multitudes from nothing, teach us to trust you with the little we have, that we would not hoard it for…
A Collect to Flourish
Spirit of the Living God, who breathes life all the world, nurture the seeds you have planted in us, that they may grow and flourish in…
A Collect to See Our Hearts Truly
All Knowing Father, who knows us far better than we know ourselves, open us up to the truth of our hearts, that we might see the sins and…
A Collect to See God Present
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who freely travels between earth and heaven, open our eyes to see that you are present, that we would…
A Collect to Hear, Humble Ourselves, and Repent
Lord God, who doesn’t want any of us to suffer, give us ears to hear what you are truly saying, that we would not be fooled by our…