A Collect to Set Aside Our Expectations
Ineffable Divinity, who is entirely beyond our understanding, forgive us for demanding that you fit our expectations and desires, and…
A Collect to Eschew Autonomy
Spirit of Righteousness, who gladly receives us and the work we offer, incline our hearts to offer our bodies to you for the holy works…
A Collect to Obey Love and Holiness
Our Lord and Master, whose yolk is easy even though it still requires work, you have set us free from slavery to sin, but our hearts are…
A Collect to Offer Our Whole Selves
Heavenly Father, who watches over us with care and love, we present ourselves to you as servants and children. Help us to see where we…
A Collect to See Our Hidden Sin
Holy God, who created our material world and knows its structure, reveal to us our habits and weaknesses that incline us toward sin, that…
A Collect for Hospitality
Welcoming Father, who watches for our return home, teach us what true hospitality is, that we would show love to those who are…
A Collect to Cease Saving Ourselves
Exalted Lord, who humbled himself even to death for our sake, reveal to us those places where we wrongly feel that we must protect…
A Collect to Love God Well
Jealous God, you desire our love not merely for your own sake, but for the sake of all you have created and love. Let not our hearts…
A Collect During War and Conflict
Lord Jesus, from whose mouth comes a great sword, we grieve at the wars and conflicts that we see here on earth and the violence and…
A Collect to Experience God’s Love
Loving God, who knows us inside and out, alleviate our fears with the knowledge and experience of your love, that we would not live in…