A Collect to Ground All Things in Love
Lord God, creator of all things, root in us the understanding that love is the ground of all that you have created and all that you…
A Collect for the World to Be Filled with Love
Almighty Father, whose nature is love and by whom we know what love is, teach us to love others well, that the whole earth would be…
A Collect to Imitate Christ
Lord Jesus, who is present with us now through the Spirit, inspire in us the desire to imitate you more and more, that we would press on…
A Collect for Embracing our Belovedness
Loving Father, who created us in delight, help us to embrace our belovedness and be relieved from our striving to be fulfilled, resting…
A Collect for Developing Virtue
Loving Lord, who works in us more than we can imagine, develop in us virtues, and grant us the desire to embrace the process of their…
A Collect for Remembering to Pray for Those We Love
Heavenly Father, who hears the prayers of your people, let us not forget to talk with you about those we love, that we would thank you…
A Collect to Fulfill Our Obligations
All-knowing Father, who keeps watch over our lives, guide us to recognize what we owe to you and to all creation, that we would rightly…
A Collect for Shunning Flattery
God of truth, on whose word we may rely, keep us from flattery and attempts to manipulate others for our own gain, that we, like you,…
A Collect for Eschewing Vengeance
Almighty God, who alone knows how to enact true justice with great mercy, turn our hearts away from seeking vengeance when we feel…
A Collect to Live Up to God’s Desires
Righteous Father, whose judgments are reflections of your holy nature and design of all creation, help us to live up to your desires, not…