A Collect to Desire and Search for God
Mysterious God, who sometimes hides yourself from our sight, like the twelve you chose, instill in us a desire to hunt for you when you…
A Collect to Make Time for the Spirit
Holy Spirit, who moves in our hearts to draw us to you, make us receptive to your calls to make space and time to be with you, that we…
A Collect for Vulnerability with Jesus
Compassionate teacher, who is gentle with us in our weakness, give us courage and humility to admit our needs and weaknesses, the…
A Collect for Gathering
Spirit of God, breath of the divine, draw us – entire cities – into your presence, that we would be gathered together in expectation of…
A Collect to Bring Our Requests to God
Father in Heaven, who loves to hear the prayers of your people, incline our hearts to turn to you in our needs, that we would ask for…
A Collect for Jesus to Be Accepted by All
Christ Jesus, who loves the world and all those within it, may your name and your renown spread throughout creation, that all would grasp…
A Collect to Remain Amazed by Christ
Jesus Christ, savior of the world, you amazed the people of Israel as you taught and worked wonders among them. May we likewise be amazed…
A Collect for Jesus’ Healing Word
Lord Jesus, at whose word, there is cleansing and healing, speak your word over us, that our unclean hearts would be made pure, our…
A Collect to Endure the Difficulty of Becoming Holy
Gracious Lord, whose words and touch are full of compassion, being made clean and holy is not always a smooth process. Give us courage to…
A Collect to Wait for God’s Blessings (on the Presentation of the Lord)
Gracious Father, whose blessings are for all people, grant us the patience of Simeon, who waited for your appearing and was satisfied…