A Lenten Collect to Be Made Strong in the Wilderness
Jesus Christ, you who walked into the domain of the evil one and resisted his wiles, grant us the wisdom and strength to resist the…
A Lenten Collect to Endure the Wildernesses
Spirit of God, who works within us for good, you sometimes move us toward places that are arid and difficult. Grant us endurance to…
A Lenten Collect to Live as Jesus Did
Father in Heaven, who looks down upon your creation with love, may we follow in the footsteps of your beloved son, who in humility and…
A Collect for Being Receptive to the Spirit
Spirit of the Lord, who lit upon the Christ at his baptism, rest on us as you did our savior, and may our hearts be willing to receive…
A Collect to Become Secure in God’s Love
Our Father in Heaven, who was and is and is to come, keep us from trusting too much in the esteem of others, and help us to turn our…
A Collect Against Using the Spiritual for the Earthly
Holy God, creator of heaven and earth, forgive us when we are tempted to use spiritual things for base and selfish ends. Show us where we…
A Collect for Conviction of Selfish Good
Holy Spirit, indwelling spirit of the Father, convict us when we are tempted to do things solely to make ourselves look good in others’…
A Collect for Being Transformed in Love
Ever-present Lord, who will never leave or forsake us, you revealed to Peter, James, and John the glory of the Son on the mountain,…
A Collect to Become Listeners
Spirit of God, in whom we live and who lives in us, incline our hearts to stop and listen to you when we are afraid or at a loss in this…
A Collect to Be Transfigured
Holy God, pure brightness and light, transform us as your Son was transformed on the mountain, that we would be made holy and pure,…