A Collect for Care in Grief and Sorrow
Gentle Father, who knows our weaknesses and needs, care for us tenderly when our griefs and sorrows keep us from trusting in you and our…
A Collect to Receive the Spirit
Father of lights, in whom we live and move and have our being, may we receive the Holy Spirit you have sent and allow him to work in us,…
A Collect for Embracing our Wounds
Lord of glory, who was before us and leads us in paths of righteousness, show us how to carry our wounds, as you carry yours, that they…
A Collect for Reassurance
Glorified Savior, who shows yourself to those you love, bring peace to us who are uncertain, frightened, and unsteady, who do not…
A Collect for Holy Saturday
Holy Father, who lost your son to our faults, let us sit in silence and grief with you as you mourn the loss of your beloved and the need…
A Collect for Good Friday
Suffering servant, crushed for our iniquities, forgive us we beg, for it is our own sins that you bore upon the cruel cross, and it is…
A Lenten Collect for Patience in Not Knowing
God of all things, who knows the end from the beginning, grant to us patience when we do not understand, that we would trust your Spirit…
A Lenten Collect for Calmed Anxieties
Almighty King, who rules over the earth with graciousness, we ofttimes succumb to the fears and dangers of this world. Calm our hearts…
A Lenten Collect to Receive Christ without Fear
Gentle one, who comes to us in humility and mercy, ease us away from our fear and defensiveness, that we might receive you and those you…
A Lenten Collect to Praise Jesus
Anointed one, sent from the Father to rescue us in our need, may we be so overcome with joy and gratitude at your promise of salvation…