A Collect to Be Ready for the Chaos of the World
Great Teacher, who knows the end from the beginning, let us not be surprised at the troubles and chaos of the world, but strengthen our trust in you, that we would know that you are present and working even in pains and trials that we must undergo, through you who endured great suffering and was…
A Collect for Willingness to Sacrifice for Others
Loving Lord, who gave yourself for our sake once for all, grant us the same spirit that you have, to be willing to give of ourselves for others, that we would join in your way of endless giving and become part of that great kingdom of those who are joined together in love for one…
A Collect to be Content with What We Can Do
Great teacher, who understands what passes in our hearts, may we be willing to give whatever we can and be not ashamed of our inability or proud of our capacity, but content to give as we are able to your work and to the good of others in your care, through you who lives and…
A Collect to Value the Heart
Lord God Almighty, who knows the deep places of our souls, teach us to value what is in the heart, that we would not be swayed by that which appears to be great but would treasure true love, generosity, and goodness as you do, through Christ our Lord, who gave of himself for us and…
A Collect to Give
Heavenly Father, who sees all that passes in your great creation, grant that we would give what we can to your work and service, that we would not hold back out of fear or miserliness, but would value and be part of your work in the world, through Christ our savior, who gave everything and…
A Collect to Recognize the Arrogant
High King of heaven, to whom belongs honor and authority and power, grant us wisdom to recognize those who abuse their power and care only for themselves, that we would escape the destruction that their pride brings, through Christ our Lord who will judge the nations through your authority and in the Holy Spirit. Amen.…
A Collect to Escape Pride
Great teacher, who humbled yourself to take on the nature of a servant, keep us from pride and from aggrandizing ourselves, that we would learn to accept with grace and joy whatever station we are given by you and seeking your respect rather than that of the world, through you who died a criminal and…
A Collect to Trust in God’s Salvation
Eternal Spirit of God, who abides with us and in us, purify our hearts that we would cease striving to deliver ourselves from all that troubles our souls but trust in the love and wisdom of our great Father in heaven, through Christ who offered himself for our sake and now lives forever in glory…
A Collect to Give of Ourselves
Great high priest Jesus, who gave of yourself for our sake, grant that we would be willing to give of ourselves as you did, that through our sacrifices, we might do good for others and so follow in your ways and in the ways of your kingdom of love, joy, and peace, through you who…
A Collect to Attend to Insignificant of This World
Heavenly Father, whose eye sees every sparrow that falls to the earth, let us not ignore the stories of the poor and meek and insignificant of this world lest we miss something of great significance in your kingdom and fail to attend to what you are about in all the children you love, through Christ…