A Collect to Follow Our King
High King Jesus, who has inherited the whole of creation, may we listen to your voice and obey your will and follow your ways that we would belong to the truth and abide in your goodness and in the safety of your presence and love, through you who reigns over all things in grace and…
A Collect to Give Up Fighting for the Things of This World
Lord God Almighty, who reigns in true wisdom and immeasurable love, keep us from fighting for the things of this world, that we would value what you value and trust in the goodness of your ways and the final triumph of your kingdom and culture, through Christ our redeemer, who lives with you and the…
A Collect to Not Belong to This World
Great King Jesus, who reigns over all things in power and majesty and love, show us where our hearts belong to this world and not to your own, that we might wean ourselves from the ways of the world and live more and more in alignment with your kingdom and your goodness, through you who…
A Collect to Encourage One Another
Indwelling Spirit, our source of perfect wisdom, incline our hearts always to seek ways to encourage one another, that we would not allow our brothers and sisters to fall into despair or foolishness but inspire one another to love and goodness in the world, through Christ our redeemer who reigns through you with the Father…
A Collect to Know and Follow the Ways of God
Spirit of the Lord, who abides within us and speaks to us of the things of God, write your law in our hearts and in our minds, that we would know and follow your ways instinctively and naturally, fulfilling the good that you desire in the world and living as true children of our Father,…
A Collect to be Continuously Made Holy
Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect lamb of God, we thank you for your great sacrifice for our sake. Continue to work in us your goodness, that we might be continually made holy and sanctified according to your perfect desire and plan for your beloved children, through you who reigns now over all things in glory…
A Collect for Strength in Trying Times
Almighty God, Lord over all that passes in creation, grant us strength to endure the trouble that inevitably comes, that we would not be destroyed by wars and disasters or be consumed with fear but lean into your goodness and the deliverance that you have promised, through Christ our savior who reigns with you in…
A Collect for Faith in the Midst of Chaos
Great prophet and savior of our souls, let us not be surprised at the chaos of the world and the destruction that we wreak upon one another, but grant us faith to trust in you and your sovereignty and goodness as we live amidst a sinful and troubled world, though you who suffered at our…
A Collect to Not Be Deceived
Spirit of the Lord, our counselor and source of all true wisdom, grant that we would recognize those who deceive us, that we would not be led astray by soothing words and false hopes but recognize the truth, through our teacher and Lord, Jesus Christ, who reigns over all things through you with the Father…
A Collect Requesting Christ’s Return
Christ Jesus, who bore our sins on the cross, hasten the day of your return, we ask, as we wait for you to deliver us from the troubles of this world and issue in the fullness of your kingdom of light. This we ask through you who lives and reigns in perfect unity with the…