Category: Collects

  • A Collect to Be Alert and Ready for All That Comes

    A Collect to Be Alert and Ready for All That Comes

    Spirit of the Lord, who abides in us and with us always, let us not be distracted by the worries and troubles of the world, that we would be aware and alert for your invitations and promptings and would be ready for all that will come about when the Lord moves on the earth, through…

  • A Collect to be Unentangled with this Life

    A Collect to be Unentangled with this Life

    Spirit of wisdom, the precious gift of our brother, Jesus, keep us from being entangled with the vapid things of this life, that we would not be too distracted to see the divine things that have been prepared for us, through Christ our Lord, who reigns in you with the Father in glory, forever and…

  • A Collect to Believe what Jesus Said

    A Collect to Believe what Jesus Said

    Great teacher, who spoke words of true wisdom to your people, grant us faith to trust in your words, that we would believe what you have told us and strive to live as you taught and so enter into your kingdom of goodness, light, and love, through you who reigns over all things in glory…

  • A Collect for Christ to Come Soon

    A Collect for Christ to Come Soon

    Son of Man, our salvation in a troubled world, return soon, that the wrongs of this world will be set aright and those who suffer would find relief for their pains and justice for all that they have had to endure, through you who reigns above with the Father and Holy Spirit in wisdom and…

  • A Collect to Recognize the Signs of the Times

    A Collect to Recognize the Signs of the Times

    Great teacher, who grants to us your perfect wisdom, help us to recognize the signs of what is to come, that we would interpret well what is happening and be prepared for all that will be, through you who gave us great gifts of knowledge and presence and love and now prepares for us a…

  • A Collect to be Useful

    A Collect to be Useful

    Lord God of this and all worlds, let us not be useless or difficult to handle, lest you cast us aside and send us to be burned, but teach us to be useful to you and to all those whom you place in our lives, through our redeemer, Jesus Christ, who reigns forever with you…

  • A Collect to Not Pain Those We Touch

    A Collect to Not Pain Those We Touch

    Gentle Shepherd, who leads us in the ways of peace and refreshment, keep us from causing harm to those we touch, that we might not be thrown aside as painful and useless but accepted and treasured by all those you place in our path, through Christ Jesus our redeemer, who lives and reigns with you…

  • A Collect to Trust in God’s Promises

    A Collect to Trust in God’s Promises

    Everlasting God, who was and is and is to come, we thank you for fulfilling your promises to David and to us all. Help us to trust in those promises and in your goodness towards us, that we would feel always secure in you, through our Savior, Jesus Christ, heir of David and firstborn of…

  • A Collect for Righteous and Good Leaders

    A Collect for Righteous and Good Leaders

    God of Israel and of all peoples, who seats kings and throws down nations, give to us rulers that reign in justice and righteousness, that your people would flourish and be refreshed, ready to step into the world and do the good you desire and have prepared for us, through Christ our Lord who lives…

  • A Collect to Follow Our King

    A Collect to Follow Our King

    High King Jesus, who has inherited the whole of creation, may we listen to your voice and obey your will and follow your ways that we would belong to the truth and abide in your goodness and in the safety of your presence and love, through you who reigns over all things in grace and…