A Collect to Remember God at Work in Trouble
Holy Spirit of God, who is ever present with us in good and evil, help us to be mindful that even in tragedy and chaos and devastation that you are still present, that even when we feel abandoned and sent away, we would cling to the truth that you are near to us and working…
A Collect to Not Refuse God’s Gifts
Almighty God, whose patience is long but not forever, do not let us stop up our ears and blind our eyes too long, lest we plunge recklessly into chaos and fail to obtain the good that you offer to us, the understanding and healing that you desire your children to receive, through Jesus our teacher,…
A Collect to be Willing
Indwelling Spirit, who speaks truth to our hearts, make us willing to offer ourselves to your service, that when you call, we would go and do whatever it is that you ask of us, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns in you at the right hand of the Father in glory. Amen. ‘Then…
A Collect to be Willing to Endure Hardship to be Made Pure
Almighty One, whose presence fills the whole earth, make us willing to endure difficulty and trials when it is needful, that our sinful habits and the darkness of our hearts might be burned away, made pure for your service and your indwelling Spirit’s presence, through Christ our redeemer, who lives and reigns with you and…
A Collect to Recognize Our Sin
Holy God, king of all creation and all that ever shall be, may we be conscious of our sin and ruin when we come into your presence, that in humility and recognition of the truth, we would turn to you for mercy and forgiveness, trusting in your love to restore and sustain us, through Christ…
A Collect for Security in Times of Trouble
Our Father in Heaven, who watches over all that passes here on earth, remind us when things are uncertain and changing that you are still sovereign over all things, that we might feel secure in you, trusting in your goodness even in trouble, through Christ our savior, who reigns with you in the Holy Spirit,…
A Collect to Follow When Jesus Calls
Lord Jesus, who does miraculous things in our midst, make us willing to follow you whenever you call, that we would not cling to the things of this world or the things of our lives, but trust in your ability to grant us greater things both here and in the world to come, through you…
A Collect to Abide Not Knowing
Holy God, who is hidden in mystery, help us learn to abide without knowing, to be content with not seeing you clearly, trusting that at the right time, we will see you face to face and understand all that you are bringing about, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with you in the Holy…
A Collect to Love
Blessed Jesus, who showed us the greatest love, let love be our greatest virtue and motivation, that we would not trust in knowledge or power or good deeds or even faith if they are not done in love for one another and for all the world. This we ask through you who lives forever in…
A Collect to Bring Destructive Impulses to God
Spirit of the Lord, the presence of the Holy in our breath, do not let us be overwhelmed by emotions that lead to destruction, but help us remember to bring such feelings to you that we might bring about good in the world and not evil and so follow in your ways, through Christ our…