Category: Collects

  • A Collect to Know Our Hearts

    A Collect to Know Our Hearts

    Wise and discerning Lord, who knows our true needs, search our hearts and show us the truth of our souls, that we might know our secret faults and convoluted desires and thus know what to offer to you for forgiveness and healing and so be made whole and ready for the ways of your kingdom,…

  • A Collect to Not Fall Prey to Self-Deception

    A Collect to Not Fall Prey to Self-Deception

    God of wisdom, who understands all things for you created them, help us to test our hearts, knowing that they are layered and complex, that we might not fall prey to our own self-deception and discover the truth that you desire in our deepest parts, through Christ our Lord, who reigns above with you and…

  • A Collect to Detach from the World’s Wealth

    A Collect to Detach from the World’s Wealth

    Almighty Father, who gives good gifts to your children, keep us from being too attached to the things of this world, that we would not depend on wealth and food and praise for our consolation, but look to the things of your kingdom and trust that your ways are what will truly satisfy our souls,…

  • A Collect to See to the Coming Day of the Lord

    A Collect to See to the Coming Day of the Lord

    Great and mighty God, creator of all that we see and beyond, grant us eyes to see that what passes in this world is not all that happens, that we would look forward to the coming day when all would be made right in your kingdom and your children will receive good things from your…

  • A Collect to Value What God Values

    A Collect to Value What God Values

    Great teacher, Jesus, who speaks wisdom to your followers, teach us to value those things that matter to the Father, that we would come to seek after those things that will truly satisfy our souls and abide in the kingdom you came to establish for the good of those whom you love, through you who…

  • A Collect for Healing

    A Collect for Healing

    Lord Jesus, who bears the power of God in your hands, heal us from our sicknesses and free us from our troubles, that we would praise you for your goodness and bear the strength to serve you well, proclaiming your gospel and showing love to all your beloved children, through you who lives and reigns…

  • A Collect for an Eternal Perspective

    A Collect for an Eternal Perspective

    Holy Lord, whose kingdom is not of this world, keep us from trusting and being fixated on the things of this earth and this present life, but grant us your perspective, one that reaches to eternity and bears your values and thinks of your ways, through Christ our savior, who showed us the way and…

  • A Collect to Remember God at Work in Trouble

    A Collect to Remember God at Work in Trouble

    Holy Spirit of God, who is ever present with us in good and evil, help us to be mindful that even in tragedy and chaos and devastation that you are still present, that even when we feel abandoned and sent away, we would cling to the truth that you are near to us and working…

  • A Collect to Not Refuse God’s Gifts

    A Collect to Not Refuse God’s Gifts

    Almighty God, whose patience is long but not forever, do not let us stop up our ears and blind our eyes too long, lest we plunge recklessly into chaos and fail to obtain the good that you offer to us, the understanding and healing that you desire your children to receive, through Jesus our teacher,…

  • A Collect to be Willing

    A Collect to be Willing

    Indwelling Spirit, who speaks truth to our hearts, make us willing to offer ourselves to your service, that when you call, we would go and do whatever it is that you ask of us, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns in you at the right hand of the Father in glory. Amen. ‘Then…