A Collect to Endure Fires of Purification
Holy One, who came to set things right in the world you love, help us to be willing to endure the purifying fire, that the chaff of our hearts would be burned away, leaving what is good and loving and true, through you who spoke truth to us for our good and still intercedes for…
A Collect to be Baptized by the Holy Spirit
Lord Jesus, who wields the power of the Almighty, immerse us in your Holy Spirit, that we would know your will and your ways and would be made pure, free from all impurities that tarnish your image within, through you who reigns over all things with the Father and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.…
A Collect for Discernment of Others’ Words
Spirit of truth, from whom nothing can be hidden and who holds all knowledge and wisdom, grant us discernment of those speaking in your name, that we would know whether or not they are from you and whether to believe and trust in what we hear, recognizing your will and your ways, through Christ our…
A Collect for Joy
Lord God Almighty, who gives good gifts to your people, grant us joy and comfort and gladness, that we would be satisfied with your goodness and praise you for the generosity that you pour upon your children, through Jesus Christ our deliverer, who reigns in perfect joy with you and the Holy Spirit forever and…
A Collect to Trust in God’s Deliverance
Spirit of Christ, our counselor, guide, and source of all wisdom, help us to trust more and more in the good news of God’s deliverance, that we would live as you designed and desire for us to live both in this world and in the world to come, through Christ Jesus our Lord, who reigns…
A Collect to Discern the Will of God
Spirit of truth, the presence of the Almighty with us, help us to discern the mystery of the will of God, that we might join in the work you are about in the world and enter into your good pleasure set forth in Christ, who reigns in you with the Father in glory forever and…
A Collect of Thanks for God’s Adoption of Us
Our Father in Heaven, whose will shall be achieved in its proper time, we thank you for adopting us as your children. Grant that we would become more and more like you, that we would take on your character and likeness: gracious, generous, and wise with you and with one another, through Jesus Christ our…
A Collect to be Blameless
God and Father of all creation, who blesses us in your great love, help us to be blameless as we seek to follow your ways, that our lives would be a reflection of your nature and draw the world to the goodness that comes only from you, through Christ our Lord who reigns with you…
An Epiphany Collect
Jesus, born king of the Jews and of all peoples, instill in us a longing to search for what you are about in us and in the world, that we would know how to join in your work and bring honor to you among all nations, through you who came in vulnerability and was exalted…
A Collect to See the Blessings of God
Heavenly Father, who abides in heaven in glory, open our eyes to see the blessings you have given us, that we would receive the gifts you desire for us to have and would rejoice in the goodness you bring to your children, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with you in the Holy Spirit,…