Category: Collects

  • A Collect to Praise Jesus

    A Collect to Praise Jesus

    Christ our hope, who lived the perfect life that we cannot, may our lives be ever oriented towards you, that you would receive daily our praise and our lives would draw others to likewise recognize your glory and praise you for your goodness, through you who reigns over all things with the Father and Holy…

  • A Collect to be Worthy to Receive God’s Gifts

    A Collect to be Worthy to Receive God’s Gifts

    Almighty God, to whom belongs all the treasures of heaven and earth, make us worthy to receive the inheritance that you have prepared for us, that we would join in your grand purpose for creation and align ourselves with your will, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns over all things with you and the…

  • A Collect to Understand and Participate in God’s Will

    A Collect to Understand and Participate in God’s Will

    O Lord God, who is above all things in heaven and earth, reveal your will to us, and grant that we might understand what you are about, that we could participate in the work you have begun which will be completed at the fullness of time, through Christ our redeemer, who lives with you and…

  • A Collect of Thanks for Christ’s Forgiveness

    A Collect of Thanks for Christ’s Forgiveness

    Exalted Christ, who bled that we might have redemption, we thank you for the forgiveness that you offered us and made possible through your sacrifice. May we receive that grace and so abide in relationship with you and with the Father and Holy Spirit, through you who was lifted high above all and now reigns…

  • A Collect of Thanks for Being Adopted into the Family of God

    A Collect of Thanks for Being Adopted into the Family of God

    Loving Father, who takes great delight in your children, we thank you for adopting us into your family. May we praise you always for your goodness to us to receive the grace that you offer to us all in Christ, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit in glory forever and ever. Amen. ‘He…

  • A Collect of Thanks for God’s Many Blessings

    A Collect of Thanks for God’s Many Blessings

    Heavenly Father, who has loved us since before the foundation of the world, we thank you for blessing us with all good things. Grant that in response we might find the strength in Christ to be holy before you and before all those whom you desire to redeem in creation, through our Lord Jesus Christ,…

  • A Collect to Be Secure in God’s Love

    A Collect to Be Secure in God’s Love

    Gracious Father, who desired us into being and into relationship with you, let us return again and again to meditating on your love, that we might be secure in your goodness to us and your desire to be with us always and so discover the freedom to live well in your world, through Christ our…

  • A Collect to See Our Weaknesses as Opportunities for God

    A Collect to See Our Weaknesses as Opportunities for God

    God of power and might, whose strength is made perfect in our weakness, call us to turn to you in the difficulties and troubles of this world, that we might see our struggles and weaknesses as opportunities for your strength to work in us and we would see wondrous things from you, through Jesus Christ…

  • A Collect to Accept Weakness

    A Collect to Accept Weakness

    Almighty Lord of creation, whose power is made perfect in our frailty teach us to accept our weakness and vulnerability, that you might use them for your good and to accomplish through us your mission of love and redemption in the world, through Jesus Christ our brother and forerunner, who was crucified in weakness but…

  • A Collect to Maintain our Faith and Trust

    A Collect to Maintain our Faith and Trust

    Teacher, who has done great things for us and among us, let not our faith and trust in you fade or dwindle, and be patient with us when it is yet weak, so that we might hold fast to you always and be able to receive all that you would offer to us, your humble…