Category: Collects

  • A Collect to Trust in the Spirit’s Comings and Goings

    A Collect to Trust in the Spirit’s Comings and Goings

    Holy Spirit, who comes and goes like the wind, help us to not strive and strain to maintain your presence with us, that we would trust in your comings and goings, knowing that your plan is wiser than our wisdom and your ways are always directed for our good, through Christ Jesus our Lord, who…

  • A Collect to Awaken at God’s Presence

    A Collect to Awaken at God’s Presence

    Lord God, whose glory would fill the whole earth at your command, rouse us from sleep and waken us when you appear, that we would not miss your call to us, but be ready to attend to you – to hear your words and fulfill your will with eagerness and gratitude, through Christ our savior,…

  • A Collect to Be Transformed

    A Collect to Be Transformed

    Lord Jesus, who was transformed atop the mountain, transform us into your glorious likeness, that we would be made clean of our sins and vices and foolishness and made free to love as you love us, through you who lives forever in unity with the Father and Holy Spirit in glory. Amen. ‘And while he…

  • A Collect for Forgiving Hearts

    A Collect for Forgiving Hearts

    Gracious Father, who is patient with your stubborn and foolish children, grant us forgiving hearts, that we would be understanding and patient as you are, releasing those who have wronged us from whatever debt we hang on to and freeing ourselves from the minutia of living with tallies of being owed, through Jesus your son,…

  • A Collect to Not Judge Others

    A Collect to Not Judge Others

    Brother Jesus, who knows what it is to be tempted and limited and weak, having shared our flesh, keep us from judging others, lest we forget our own weaknesses and needs and thus call judgement down upon ourselves for our own failings, through you whose love encompasses all humanity, even from heaven where you live…

  • A Collect for Generosity

    A Collect for Generosity

    Gracious creator, who has given great gifts to many, keep us from miserliness and from hoarding our riches, that we would be generous as you are, giving without expecting return and delighting in what good we may do for others, through Jesus our example, who gave everything that we might live and now lives with…

  • A Collect to Love Those Who Do Not Love Us

    A Collect to Love Those Who Do Not Love Us

    Christ Jesus, who forgave even those who pinned you to the cross, help us to go beyond the requirements of this world and to love those who do not return that love. In this way, may we walk as you do, seeking always the good of others in the hopes that goodness and reconciliation may…

  • A Collect to Give up Vengeance

    A Collect to Give up Vengeance

    Holy Spirit of God, who offers divine wisdom to those who will listen, take from us the impulse to exact vengeance on those who have wronged us, that we would repay evil with good and give ourselves in the service of love, through Christ our Lord who reigns in you with the Father in glory,…

  • A Collect to Repay Evil with Good

    A Collect to Repay Evil with Good

    Generous God, who gives life and rain and blessings to both the good and evil, teach us not to respond to evil with evil, that we would bless those who curse us and seek the good of all and so fill creation with your love and goodness, through Christ our savior, who died for us…

  • A Collect to Love Our Enemies

    A Collect to Love Our Enemies

    Loving Father, who desired us into being, teach us how to love even those who hate us, that we would not be consumed by anger or animosity, but desire good for all who would be willing to receive it, through Christ Jesus our example and lord, who reigns in perfect unity with you and the…