Category: Collects

  • A Collect to Confess our Fears to God

    A Collect to Confess our Fears to God

    O Lord our God, who rules over kings and children, incline our hearts to confess our insecurities and fears to you, that we would not have to carry our anxieties alone and might receive from your hand reassurance and strength, through Jesus Christ our savior, who abides forever with you and the Holy Spirit in…

  • A Collect to Put Away Our Anger

    A Collect to Put Away Our Anger

    Patient God, who has endured with us long despite our sins, reveal to us where we harbor anger and malice, that we would work to put such things away, forgiving those who have wronged us and freeing ourselves to love well as you love us, through Christ our savior who reigns with you and the…

  • A Collect to Deal with Anger Well

    A Collect to Deal with Anger Well

    Spirit of wisdom and of peace, teach us to process our anger well and to let it go when it is no longer needful, that we might not turn anger to bitterness and would keep our anger from moving us to sin. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who taught us the way of…

  • A Collect to Chase After Life

    A Collect to Chase After Life

    Bread from heaven, who is the life of the world, draw our hearts to seek after things that bring life, that we would not waste ourselves chasing after that which profits only for a short time but would devote ourselves to what truly satisfies the needs that you have set deep in our hearts and…

  • A Collect to be Willing to be Taught

    A Collect to be Willing to be Taught

    Holy Spirit, our constant counselor and companion, make us willing to be taught and open to your teaching, that we would lay down our resistance and receive what the Father offers, becoming ever more capable of coming to Christ and receiving life and nourishment, through him who reigns with you and the Father in unity,…

  • A Collect to be Drawn to Christ

    A Collect to be Drawn to Christ

    Father in heaven, who send your son to show us the way into your kingdom, draw us to Christ, that we would receive the good news that he teaches and that we might receive your undying life in this world and be raised up to live forever in the next, through him who lives with…

  • A Collect to Bring Troubles to Jesus

    A Collect to Bring Troubles to Jesus

    Great teacher, whose wisdom is enough for all our troubles, let us not grumble to ourselves or with one another, but teach us to bring our frustrations to you, that we might find not only solace, but perhaps help and cure for that which troubles us, through you who reigns in understanding and love with…

  • A Collect to Receive the Life of Christ

    A Collect to Receive the Life of Christ

    Living Word, who has come down from heaven for our sake, give us the bread of your flesh that we might receive you within ourselves and so obtain the undying life that you have promised, through you who reigns over all creation with the Father and Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. ‘Jesus…

  • A Collect to Be Equipped to Do the Work of God

    A Collect to Be Equipped to Do the Work of God

    Lord Jesus, who came from above and descended to be with us, equip us with the understanding, capacity, and desire to continue the work that you began, that all might be made mature and strong and brought under your great love and care, through you who is the measure of goodness and perfection under the…

  • A Collect to Live with Humility and Gentleness

    A Collect to Live with Humility and Gentleness

    Lord God, who has called us to walk with you, teach us to live with humility and gentleness, that we would love one another well in patience and unity as you have loved us in the same way, through Jesus Christ our redeemer, who loved us to the end and has sat down at your…