A Collect to Stand in Truth
Almighty God, who has known the end from the beginning, incline our hearts to shun deceit and devote ourselves to what is true, that we would not seek to save ourselves through falsehoods, but would trust in you to deliver us in the light, through Christ our Redeemer who reigns with you and the Holy…
A Collect to Know Our Weaknesses
Almighty God, source of wisdom from highest heaven, reveal to us where there are holes and weaknesses in our struggle against sin, that we would guard ourselves against evil and temptation and stand firm in righteousness and truth, through Christ our Lord, who gave us a perfect example and ascended to reign with you and…
A Collect to Seek the Redemption of All
Almighty God, our shield and deliverer, open our eyes to see the spiritual evils that fight against us, that we would not villainize and battle the children you love, but would seek and work for their redemption as you do, through Christ our Lord, who died for all that all might live in union with…
A Collect to Cling to Jesus, Even in Difficulty
Lord Jesus, you who bears the words of eternal life, help us to cling to you, even when your words and commands are difficult, that we would not give in to the easy path but continue to work out our salvation in you and find the life you promise, through you who created all things…
A Collect to Honor the Lord
Lord God Almighty, whose goodness reaches to the heavens, may our hearts be ever filled with awe at your power and holiness, that we would honor you and submit to your ways always, trusting in your wisdom and provision for all that we need, through Christ who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit in…
A Collect to be Grateful
Our Father, who is generous with your children, teach us to count your goodness to us and to express our gratitude, that we would recognize the blessings you bestow, be satisfied and joyous at what we have received, and be more and more inclined to bind our hearts to you in joy, through our Lord…
A Collect for Joy
Lord God, the source of all good things, fill us with a spirit of joy, that we would not need to waste ourselves in useless pleasures, but would find great pleasure in being with you and with your children, through Christ our redeemer, who loved us enough to give himself for our sake and now…
A Collect to Understand God’s Will
Loving Lord, who desires what is good for your children, grant that we would understand your desire and will, that we would not dither in confusion or rush into foolishness, but would be confident in knowing what is good and pleases you and leads to the life you promised to all, through Christ our teacher…
A Collect to Become Wise
Lord God, source of truth and knowledge, make us reflective people, that we would consider our lives and our actions and not merely react to the world and so become wise and able to live well before you in this world and the next, through Jesus Christ our savior who lives with you and the…
A Collect for the Capacity to Fulfill God’s Work for Us
All-knowing God, source of wisdom and discernment, grant us the tools necessary to fulfill your work in the world, that we would be a blessing to the people you have placed in our care and would further the work of reconciliation and redemption that you have been fostering since creation, through Christ our Lord, who…