A Collect to Put the Words of Christ into Practice
Spirit of Christ, who speaks council into our hearts, grant us the courage and desire to put into practice the words our Lord has spoken, lest we become those who speak the truth but do not live it. We ask this in the name of Jesus our teacher and Lord who ascended to the Father…
A Collect to be Slow to Anger
Patient Father, who knows our weaknesses, teach us to be slow to anger, that we might not add yet more sin to the world, but would fulfill the righteousness that you desire for your children, through Christ our savior, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit in perfect unity, now and forever. Amen. ‘You…
A Collect to be Freed from Evil Intentions
Holy God, whose goodness shines brighter than the sun, keep us from amassing evil thoughts and intentions, that we would not defile ourselves and so tarnish the image of yourself placed in our hearts. Free us from sin in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sake that we might live…
A Collect to See Our Own Hearts
Indwelling Spirit, who sees all that passes within our hearts, make us attentive to the things that come out of us, that we would recognize and acknowledge the evils that we bear within and work with you to purify our hearts of all that defiles, through Christ our Redeemer, who died that we might live…
A Collect to See Where We Misunderstand God’s Law
Lord Jesus, who taught us the ways of the Father, open our eyes to see where we have replaced the law of love with our own personal and cultural demands, that we would free ourselves and others from useless things and bind ourselves to your way of hope and freedom and love, through you who…
A Collect to Abandon Laws that are not of God
God of heaven and earth, who gave us your Law to guide our steps, keep us from declaring our own desires and comforts to be your will, that we would be bound by your laws and not that which leads not to life nor to you, and would find your ways to be restful to…
A Collect to Desire God Above All
Lord God Almighty, who has delivered to us your good word, draw our hearts to you, that we would eschew using you as an excuse for our own desires but would worship you in spirit and truth, desiring you and your goodness above all, through Christ our Lord who showed us the way of love…
A Collect to Bring our Needs to God
Loving God, whose ear is ever turned towards our prayers, incline our hearts to bring our needs and desires to you throughout the day and to lift up those in need and in our hearts for your care and protection, through Christ our Savior, who intercedes also for us before your throne in the Holy…
A Collect to Hear the Word of God
Lord God, who spoke the world into being, give us ears to hear what you are saying, that we would be equipped to destroy the evils we face and to fulfill the work that you have prepared for us to accomplish, through Christ our protection and salvation, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit…
A Collect for Increased Trust in God
All-knowing God, our shield and protector, increase our faith, that we would trust you more, believing that your promises are sure and your goodness is real in the moment we have need of it, through Christ our Lord, who loved us to the end and ascended to you to intercede for us through the Holy…