A Collect for Salvation from Trouble and Sin
Mighty Lord, at whose word sprang both life and death, show your power and bring life and rescue to your people in need, that we might…
A Collect for Peace when God is Absent
Holy God, whose ways are sometimes hidden and mysterious, grant us peace in those times when we are not allowed to see or recognize you,…
A Collect for Life through our Faith
Son of God, about whom the whole gospel hinges, may the words of those who witnessed your life penetrate into our hearts, that we might…
A Collect for Faith without Sight
Invisible God, who is at work in the world, though hidden from our sight, give us the capacity to trust you even when we do not see, that…
A Collect for More Faith
Resurrected Lord, who has made himself vulnerable for our sake, give us what we need that our faith and trust in your would be…
A Collect to Feel the Presence of the Spirit
Holy Spirit, who is the breath of God upon us, let us feel the gentle pressure of your presence and receive you as a treasured gift, that…
A Collect to Imitate Christ in the World
Beloved of the Father, who revealed the character of God through your life in the flesh, envelope us in peace and fashion us in your…
A Collect for Redeemed Wounds
Wounded one, who was pierced for our sin, redeem our wounds and brokenness, not that our scars would be erased, but that the marks left…
A Collect for Peace in Fear
Lord Jesus, who brings with you perfect assurance, make yourself known among us and bring with you peace, that our actions would not be…
A Collect for Faith, Hope, and Love
Heavenly One, whose kingdom encompasses all that is, draw our hearts to things above, that we might trust in you, hope for your goodness,…