A Collect to Follow the Shepherd
Shepherd of souls, who leads and nurtures your flock with care, help us to be content with the guidance and provision you offer, that we…
A Collect for Real Life
Source of life, who offers yourself to your creation, give us true life, that we would not fall prey to thieves and fakery that make…
A Collect to Seek Jesus
Savior of the world, by whom is the only way to the Father, help us to not turn towards vain hopes and our own attempts to save ourselves…
A Collect to Resist Seductive Voices
Merciful shepherd, who calls us by name, forgive us for those time when we have listened to the seductive voices. Grant to us familiarity…
A Collect in Praise of the Lord’s Leading
Head of the church, who sets out the path that we should walk, we thank you for your guidance and leadership. Grant that we would hear…
A Collect to Remember His Goodness
Loving shepherd, who knows each of us intimately, stir up our hearts to remember your goodness toward us, that when you call us, we would…
A Collect to Recognize Thieves
Loving shepherd, who knows each of your sheep by name, grant us wisdom and sight to recognize those who have entered our lives but are…
Two Collects for Encouraging and Being Encouraged
Risen Lord, who continually breathes life into your people, fill our hearts with joy at what you are doing in us, that our stories of…
A Collect to See Jesus
Bread of life, whose presence is nourishment to our souls, reveal yourself to be with us in the ordinary actions of life, that we might…
A Collect for Presence
Beloved Friend, who walks alongside us in the way, stay with us in our need, that we would not be left alone to make sense of a turbulent…