Category: Collects

  • A Collect to Welcome the Unloved and Unimportant

    A Collect to Welcome the Unloved and Unimportant

    God of the great and small, who knows what it is to be a Lord and to be a servant, keep us from dismissing and denigrating the seemingly useless and unimportant of the world, that we would not bar from your kingdom those to whom it belongs but welcome all those whom you love, through…

  • A Collect for Soft Hearts

    A Collect for Soft Hearts

    Spirit of God, who knows the depths of our souls better than we ourselves, soften our hearts, that we we not succumb to stubbornness and resist the good you desire for us but allow you to work your ways in us and so discover more than we realized was possible, through Jesus Christ the Messiah,…

  • A Collect to Pray for One Another

    A Collect to Pray for One Another

    Lord God, who receives our prayers always, let us not forget to pray for one another, that we might be bound together in hearts and minds and would present one another to you for healing and strengthening, through Christ our intercessor, who rose from the grave to pray before your throne in the Holy Spirit…

  • A Collect to Confess our Sins and Needs to One Another

    A Collect to Confess our Sins and Needs to One Another

    Breath of the divine, the whisper of heaven in our hearts, grant us the courage to disclose our sins, our failings, our needs to one another, that in the unity of the body of Christ, we might find forgiveness, encouragement, care, and healing, through Jesus our savior who gave of himself and was raised to…

  • A Collect to Recognize When Loss Leads Us to God

    A Collect to Recognize When Loss Leads Us to God

    Gracious Father, who desires that we live well and enjoy your creation, let us not despair at pains and losses and troubles that we endure when they lead us to your will and your ways. Teach us to be glad that through them we may draw closer to you, through your son Jesus Christ, who…

  • A Collect to See Our Sins and Impediments

    A Collect to See Our Sins and Impediments

    Spirit of counsel and wisdom, who guides us into your straight and righteous ways, show us where we impede our own selves, that we might know what to abandon and sever and present to Christ for healing and so save ourselves from suffering in this life and the next, through Jesus our savior who sent…

  • A Collect to Care for the Vulnerable

    A Collect to Care for the Vulnerable

    Almighty Father, who delights greatly in your little children, help us to protect and care for the weak and vulnerable, that we might not sin greatly against those who are most in need and might follow in your ways and footsteps, imitating our Father in heaven, through Christ our Redeemer, who reigns with you and…

  • A Collect to Value Small Things

    A Collect to Value Small Things

    Omnipotent God of all creation, who brought all things into being by your word yet remembers even the smallest sparrow, let us not despair of doing small things, trusting in the value of such acts of goodness in the world and knowing that you use all to bring goodness and light to your children, through…

  • A Collect for Unity

    A Collect for Unity

    Almighty God, Trinity of persons, cause the divisions among us to cease, that we would not hinder one another from doing the good that you have given each of us to do, but would trust in the multiplicities of your works and join one another in doing good for the world you love, through Christ…

  • A Collect to Turn Wisdom into Works

    A Collect to Turn Wisdom into Works

    Holy Spirit, our constant guide and source of wisdom, grant us the courage and desire to turn our wisdom into works, that our lives and not merely our words would give evidence of the goodness that you have given us, and we would offer that goodness to the world, through Christ Jesus our Lord who…