A Collect to Turn to Jesus in Need
Lord Jesus, savior of our souls but also our minds, hearts, and bodies, may we cry out to you when we are in need, trusting in your capacity to heal us and to relieve us of our distress and in your compassion and care for us, to see us and be with us in our…
A Collect for Patience in Suffering
Suffering Servant, who endured much for our sake, grant us patience when we go through pain and trials, trusting that the Spirit may use such things for our good and that we through them may be made perfect and holy as you are, who reigns over all things in glory with the Father and Holy…
A Collect to Learn from Our Suffering
Lord Jesus, our forerunner and example in the way of the Father, teach us to suffer well when we cannot escape trouble, that we might learn from the struggle and use it for your glory and our own growth despite the pain, through you who endured the cross and has sat down at the right…
A Collect to be Understanding of Others
Jesus, our compassionate high priest, teach us to deal gently with those around us, as you are always gentle with us, that we might not forget our weaknesses and failings, but recognize that we are all subject to stumbling and foolishness and so have understanding for all, through you who loved us to the end…
A Collect for a Heart to Serve
Lord Jesus, who gave up much in order to serve us, grant us that same heart and desire to serve, that in giving much, we would receive much in return and discover the joy that you knew from the beginning, through you who in that joy endured the cross and now reigns over all things…
A Collect to Give up Pride and Status
Lord Jesus Christ, who emptied yourself for our sake, grant us the willingness to cast off our pride and status, that in giving up the respect of this world, we might receive something greater in your eternal kingdom, through you who reigns over all things in the Holy Spirit through service and humility at the…
A Collect to Transform Our Values
Lord Jesus Christ, who came not to be served but to serve, work in our hearts to change what we value, that we would not be desirous of the things of this world, but would seek after what you desire and the values of your kingdom as true citizens of heaven, through you who took…
A Collect to Avoid Presumption with God
Spirit of knowledge, who has seen the end from the beginning, grant us boldness when we ask of you, yet keep us from presumption, that we would not assume that we know what is good but would rest in your ways and your plan for us and those that we entrust into your care, through…
A Collect for Faith in Christ’s Compassion
Lord Jesus, king of all kings and high priest of the living God, grant us faith in your compassion and empathy for our weaknesses, that we would not fail to approach your throne for mercy when we are in need, through you who loved us to the end and now rules in that same love…
A Collect for Contentment to be Last
God of the great and small, who has experienced what it is to be lord and slave, grant us the grace to be content with being small and last and less than, trusting in your promise and desire to lift up the humble and the vulnerable and bless those who are least in the world’s…