Category: Collects

  • A Collect to Bless Others

    A Collect to Bless Others

    Lord God, who blesses us in deed day after day, fill our mouths with blessings for others, that we would wish well on those you have placed on our path and invoke your name for their good such that the world might be filled with love for one another, through Christ our savior who blessed…

  • A Collect to Love One Another Well

    A Collect to Love One Another Well

    Great teacher, who demonstrated to us the great love of God, open our hearts to your teachings, that we might learn to love one another well and so fulfill the law of the Lord and live well in the world that you have given generously to all your children, through you who loved us to…

  • A Collect to Love the Lord Well

    A Collect to Love the Lord Well

    Gracious and patient Jesus, who knows our frail frames for you took it upon yourself, show us where we have failed to love the Lord well, that we might amend our ways and fulfill the greatest commandment and be restored to right relationship with our Father and Creator, through you who died that we might…

  • A Collect to Love God First and Foremost

    A Collect to Love God First and Foremost

    O Lord our God, who created all things by your word and of your desire, grant that we would place always first our desire for you and a desire to please you, that love for you would guide all that we believe and feel and think and do and that our hearts would thus reflect…

  • A Collect for All Souls Day

    A Collect for All Souls Day

    Our brother, Jesus, who wept over Lazarus in the tomb, we thank you for grieving with us over those we have lost. Be close to us in our pain, but comfort us also with the truth that we will all be with you in glory together when you return at the fulfillment of this age,…

  • A Collect for All Saints Day

    A Collect for All Saints Day

    Almighty Lord, who abides above all things and beckons us to come to you, grant us an earnest desire to follow in the footsteps of those who have ascended your mountain of virtue and holiness, that we might join with those who have gone before and receive blessing and salvation from your hand, through Christ…

  • A Collect to Trust in God’s Power and Goodness

    A Collect to Trust in God’s Power and Goodness

    Almighty God, who formed the universe from nothing and created all things by your word, grant us faith and trust in your power, that we would not doubt your wisdom or plans, but trust that you are able to fulfill your promises and do good for your children, through Christ our Lord, who reigns with…

  • A Collect for Greater Faith in God’s Power and Goodness

    A Collect for Greater Faith in God’s Power and Goodness

    Great physician, who knows our frames for you created them, grant us faith to believe in your ability to heal and your desire to do good, that we would trust in you for all that we need and receive from you willingly the good that you have planned to bring about, through Christ our redeemer,…

  • A Collect to Not Ignore Those whom the World Neglects

    A Collect to Not Ignore Those whom the World Neglects

    Lord Jesus, whose eye misses nothing and whose attention is on the greatest and the least, keep us from ignoring those whom the world neglects, but incline our hearts, like you, to love all those whom you place in our path, through you who lives forever in perfect unity with the Father and Holy Spirit…

  • A Collect of Thanks for Christ’s Patience

    A Collect of Thanks for Christ’s Patience

    Gracious brother Jesus, who sympathizes with our weaknesses, we thank you for being patient and waiting for us when we strive to catch up with you. Help us by your Holy Spirit to come quickly, gladdened by your presence and willingness to be with us, through you who showed us the way to the Father…