Category: Collects

  • A Collect to not Demand of God

    A Collect to not Demand of God

    Almighty God, who parted waters and healed the sick, let us not make demands of you in our self-centered-ness, that we would learn to trust what you are about and accept your gifts gratefully when they come, knowing that your ways are good and your thoughts higher than our own, through Christ our teacher, who…

  • A Collect to Delight in Christ’s Wisdom

    A Collect to Delight in Christ’s Wisdom

    Lord Jesus, who shares in our flesh and our nature, may our hearts marvel at the wisdom you speak, that we would recognize the goodness of your words and strive to put them into practice always, through you who lives and reigns with the Father and Holy Spirit forever in glory. Amen. ‘All spoke well…

  • A Collect to Accept Disappointment Well

    A Collect to Accept Disappointment Well

    God of patience, who has seen the end from the beginning, help us to accept graciously not receiving what we desire, that we would not turn our disappointment into rage but turn to you and one another for solace and wisdom so that love might soothe the loss, through Christ our brother, who gave up…

  • A Collect to Be Present With One Another

    A Collect to Be Present With One Another

    Lord Jesus, the head of the church and source of all wisdom, teach us to be with one another in good and bad, that we would encourage and celebrate one another in the loving community you established and so prove to be your presence in the world, through you who lives with the Father and…

  • A Collect to Find Good in the Church

    A Collect to Find Good in the Church

    God of wisdom, who knows our needs before we understand them ourselves, help us to trust in the community you have brought together, that we would not grow frustrated or demanding that it be different but seek the good in what you have wrought, through Christ our delivered, who intercedes for us always before your…

  • A Collect to See Value in All

    A Collect to See Value in All

    Spirit of God, present in all things and moving throughout all creation, grant us eyes to see the value of each person, that we would not discard or discount those who do not fit our plans, but all would be welcome and loved in your community, through Christ our brother, who loved us to the…

  • A Collect to Recognize our Worth

    A Collect to Recognize our Worth

    Gracious Father, who delights in all of your children, remind us of your love and show us our value to you and to your church, that we would not call ourselves useless or feel that we are worth nothing, but know that we belong to you and are part of the community that calls itself…

  • A Collect to Eschew Prejudice

    A Collect to Eschew Prejudice

    Spirit of Christ, in whom we have been gathered together as one body, eliminate in us our prejudices and fears, that we would not reject those whom you have drawn together with us, but embrace all those who are part of the body of Christ, through him who reigns forever in you with the Father…

  • A Collect to Join in Christ’s Mission

    A Collect to Join in Christ’s Mission

    Lord Jesus Christ, who proclaimed freedom to those in oppression, grant us the desire and courage to continue your work of justice and healing in the world, that the poor, the captive, the blind, and all those abused and exploited would be given hope, through you who reigns over all things together with the Father…

  • A Collect for Justice for Those in Need

    A Collect for Justice for Those in Need

    Lord Jesus, anointed one of God, bring good to those in need – the poor, the imprisoned, the blind, the oppressed – that your love would be known to all those whom you love, and justice would fill the earth like water fills the seas, through you who lives in endless joy with the Father…