Category: Collects

  • A Lenten Collect to Worship the Lord Only

    A Lenten Collect to Worship the Lord Only

    Almighty God, who created us for your good pleasure, incline our hearts to worship and praise you first and only, that we would not spend our lives on the passing things of the world, but devote ourselves to your eternal treasures and the joy of knowing you, through Christ our Lord, who reigns with you…

  • A Lenten Collect to Eschew the Glory of the World

    A Lenten Collect to Eschew the Glory of the World

    Spirit of Christ, our counselor and conscience, keep us from being tempted by the glory of this world, that we would not give in to lust for power and wealth and renown, but seek your kingdom and its values, through Jesus our savior, who resisted temptation on earth and now rules in joy in heaven…

  • A Lenten Collect to Seek That Which Satisfies

    A Lenten Collect to Seek That Which Satisfies

    Lord Jesus, our teacher and source of all wisdom, teach us how our hearts are truly satisfied, that we would not merely gratify our impulses but seek carefully after those things for which we were made, through you who reigns in joy with the Father and Holy Spirit in heaven forever. Amen. ‘The devil said…

  • A Lenten Collect to Challenge Ourselves

    A Lenten Collect to Challenge Ourselves

    Holy Spirit, in whose presence we live and move and breathe, grant us courage to challenge and stretch ourselves, that in doing difficult things, we would strengthen ourselves for your service and the good of all those in our world, through Christ our redeemer, who endured hardship for our sake and now rules over all…

  • A Lenten Collect to Follow the Spirit

    A Lenten Collect to Follow the Spirit

    Holy Spirit, the wisdom of God in our hearts, make us willing to follow you wherever you lead, that whether we are called to the desert or into the city, whether into darkness or light, we would go where you send us and find the life that you offer there, through Christ our example, who…

  • A Lenten Collect to Put Aside Enmity with God

    A Lenten Collect to Put Aside Enmity with God

    Christ Jesus, our example and teacher, show us where we are yet at odds with God, that we might put aside our hostility and be reconciled to our Father and step into your great love, through you who intercedes for us before the Father’s throne in the Holy Spirit. Amen. ‘We entreat you on behalf…

  • A Lenten Collect to Seek the Things of Heaven

    A Lenten Collect to Seek the Things of Heaven

    Our Father in heaven, in whom is life and love and joy always, set our hearts on heavenly things, that we would not seek desperately after that which will fade and fall apart, but find joy in things that you have designed to truly satisfy our souls, through Christ our Lord who gave of himself…

  • A Lenten Collect to Eschew Seeking Others’ Approval

    A Lenten Collect to Eschew Seeking Others’ Approval

    Lord God, who sees all that happens whether openly or hidden, keep us from seeking to look good in others eyes, that we would not merely do good for pride’s sake, but out of love and compassion and joy as you, through Christ our savior who loved his people well and ascended to you to…

  • An Ash Wednesday Collect

    An Ash Wednesday Collect

    Merciful Lord, slow to anger and abounding in love, be merciful to your foolish children and call us again to repentance, that we would return to you, grieving our sins and seeking anew your ways and your presence, through Christ our savior who took our sins upon his shoulders and now intercedes for us before…

  • A Collect to Trust in the Spirit’s Comings and Goings

    A Collect to Trust in the Spirit’s Comings and Goings

    Holy Spirit, who comes and goes like the wind, help us to not strive and strain to maintain your presence with us, that we would trust in your comings and goings, knowing that your plan is wiser than our wisdom and your ways are always directed for our good, through Christ Jesus our Lord, who…