A Collect to Remember Mercy
Almighty God, who has shown mercy to billions, turn our hearts to remember mercy as you do, that we would temper our judgment of others with compassion and understanding and so receive mercy ourselves for those things for which we will be judged, through Christ our Savior who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,…
A Collect to Be Neighbors to All
Lord Jesus, who demonstrated the law of love to its fullest extent, teach us to love our neighbors and to be neighbors to all, that we would escape sinning against one another, obeying your law, and bringing good into the world as you did, through you who lives and reigns over all things with the…
A Collect to See How to Use Our Power Well
Spirit of truth, who sees all that passes in our hearts, reveal to us where we have failed to use our power and privilege and wealth for the good of the many, that we would not abuse our gifts, but use them to lift up all the children that you love, through Christ our savior…
A Collect to Honor Those the World Rejects
King of heaven, who reigns over all, both rich and poor, open our eyes to the value of every person and not merely those that the world values, that we might receive the gifts you have given to those the world rejects and honor all who bless your name as beloved children of their Father,…
A Collect to Put Aside Partiality
Lord of all nations, who shows no partiality, teach us to love as you love, that we would not evaluate others based upon their money or power or status, but would recognize all as beloved creations in whom you delight, through Christ our redeemer, who died for all and now rules over all with you…
A Collect for Humility
Almighty God, who is far above us in power and wisdom and station, keep us humble, that we might not set ourselves above your ways and become entitled and proud but recognize that what we receive is ever a gift from your generous hand and be grateful always for your kindness, through Jesus your son,…
A Collect to Put the Words of Christ into Practice
Spirit of Christ, who speaks council into our hearts, grant us the courage and desire to put into practice the words our Lord has spoken, lest we become those who speak the truth but do not live it. We ask this in the name of Jesus our teacher and Lord who ascended to the Father…
A Collect to be Slow to Anger
Patient Father, who knows our weaknesses, teach us to be slow to anger, that we might not add yet more sin to the world, but would fulfill the righteousness that you desire for your children, through Christ our savior, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit in perfect unity, now and forever. Amen. ‘You…
A Collect to be Freed from Evil Intentions
Holy God, whose goodness shines brighter than the sun, keep us from amassing evil thoughts and intentions, that we would not defile ourselves and so tarnish the image of yourself placed in our hearts. Free us from sin in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sake that we might live…
A Collect to See Our Own Hearts
Indwelling Spirit, who sees all that passes within our hearts, make us attentive to the things that come out of us, that we would recognize and acknowledge the evils that we bear within and work with you to purify our hearts of all that defiles, through Christ our Redeemer, who died that we might live…