Author: mgreen

  • A Collect to See What Impedes God in Us

    A Collect to See What Impedes God in Us

    Holy Spirit, who shows us the truth if we are willing to listen, reveal to us the obstacles we harbor that prevent us from receiving you, that we might make a way for the Lord to abide in us and with us and so embrace and be embraced by love, through Christ our redeemer, who…

  • A Collect for Forgiveness and Cleansing

    A Collect for Forgiveness and Cleansing

    Holy Lord, who calls us to repentance and righteousness, forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from the wrongness of our souls, that we would be able to stand before you as children of our Father, like you in love and goodness, and desirous to do your will in the world, through Christ our…

  • A Collect for Repentant Hearts

    A Collect for Repentant Hearts

    Great teacher, who went before us to show the way, show us where we need to repent, that we could change our hearts and minds and see from your perspective what it is that you call us to, through you who reigns forever with the Father and Holy Spirit in perfect glory. Amen. ‘He went…

  • A Collect to Prepare for Christ’s Return

    A Collect to Prepare for Christ’s Return

    Coming Lord, who will return to set all things right, show us how to prepare the way and how to prepare ourselves, that all would be ready when you appear, and our hearts would be prepared to enter into the fullness of the kingdom you bring, through you who prepares a place for us with…

  • A Collect to Love All People More and More

    A Collect to Love All People More and More

    Loving Lord, who desires good for all of your children, increase our love for one another and for all people, that we might seek the good of everyone and earnestly desire, as you do, that all would know that they are your beloved creations and worthy of your attention, through Christ our savior, who died…

  • A Collect to Find Joy in One Another

    A Collect to Find Joy in One Another

    Loving God, who created us in your overflowing joy, may we find joy in one another as you find in us, that we would recognize the good that you have placed in each person and so find it natural to love one another well as is right and good in your blessed kingdom, through Christ…

  • A Collect to Be Alert and Ready for All That Comes

    A Collect to Be Alert and Ready for All That Comes

    Spirit of the Lord, who abides in us and with us always, let us not be distracted by the worries and troubles of the world, that we would be aware and alert for your invitations and promptings and would be ready for all that will come about when the Lord moves on the earth, through…

  • A Collect to be Unentangled with this Life

    A Collect to be Unentangled with this Life

    Spirit of wisdom, the precious gift of our brother, Jesus, keep us from being entangled with the vapid things of this life, that we would not be too distracted to see the divine things that have been prepared for us, through Christ our Lord, who reigns in you with the Father in glory, forever and…

  • A Collect to Believe what Jesus Said

    A Collect to Believe what Jesus Said

    Great teacher, who spoke words of true wisdom to your people, grant us faith to trust in your words, that we would believe what you have told us and strive to live as you taught and so enter into your kingdom of goodness, light, and love, through you who reigns over all things in glory…

  • A Collect for Christ to Come Soon

    A Collect for Christ to Come Soon

    Son of Man, our salvation in a troubled world, return soon, that the wrongs of this world will be set aright and those who suffer would find relief for their pains and justice for all that they have had to endure, through you who reigns above with the Father and Holy Spirit in wisdom and…