Author: mgreen

  • A Lenten Collect for Willingness to be Humbled

    A Lenten Collect for Willingness to be Humbled

    Lord Jesus, who was exalted to the highest place after allowing yourself to be brought low, grant us the willingness to humble ourselves as you did, that we might be obedient to the Father’s call to us wherever it may lead, through you who died and was raised to new life through the power of…

  • A Lenten Collect for the Willingness to Empty Ourselves

    A Lenten Collect for the Willingness to Empty Ourselves

    Spirit of Christ, the presence of the Most High within us, grant us the willingness to give up whatever earthly and social goods you might ask of us, that nothing would get in the way of receiving you and doing the work that you have prepared for us, through Jesus Christ our example, who took…

  • A Lenten Collect to Not Seek to Take Advantage

    A Lenten Collect to Not Seek to Take Advantage

    Indwelling Spirit of God, who guides us in the ways of your heavenly kingdom, grant us hearts that beat in tune with our beloved Jesus, that we might not seek ways to exploit our gifts and our stations but would content ourselves with the path that you have set out for us, through our Savior…

  • A Palm Sunday Collect

    A Palm Sunday Collect

    Lord Jesus, King of Israel and of all creation, may our hearts be filled with joy at your appearing, and may praise spill from our mouths when we see what you have done and all that you are about in us and in the world, through you who reigns in glory and honor and power…

  • A Lenten Collect to Go into Difficult Places

    Spirit of God, great counselor and wellspring of power and goodness, grant us courage to follow where Jesus has gone, that with a willingness to go into difficult and dangerous places, we might step beyond and through them into places of glory and honor and life, through Christ our redeemer, who lives and reigns with…

  • A Lenten Collect to Detach from This World

    Lord Jesus Christ, who has gone to prepare a place for those whom you love, may we not be so attached to the treasures of this world and our lives here on earth that we cannot let go, so that we would be free to receive what you offer in the world to come, through…

  • A Lenten Collect to be Willing to Change

    Spirit of God, who lives within us and empowers us to live as Jesus lived, grant us the willingness to be changed and to let go of what we believe defines us, that we might fulfill your design for us and produce good fruit in the world and for the Kingdom of God, through Jesus…

  • A Lenten Collect to Escape Death and Vice

    Lord Jesus, who lived in the world but was not of it, help us to escape the ways of this world – the vices and passions born only of the world, the flesh, and the devil, that we might find life in you and live by your ways of love and peace, through you who…

  • A Lenten Collect to Have No Shame of our Actions

    Almighty God, whose very being abides in perpetual light, incline our hearts to do good, that when our deeds are exposed, we would have no reason to be ashamed but would point to you as the source and reason for all that we have done, through Jesus Christ our redeemer, who reigns with you and…

  • A Lenten Collect to Bring Our Sins to the Light

    God of light and truth, from whom no deed is hidden, draw us out of the darkness, that our sins and failings might be seen clearly and in that exposure find forgiveness and healing in your gracious love, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who loved us to the end and now reigns with you and…