Author: mgreen

  • A Collect to be Reminded of the Good News

    A Collect to be Reminded of the Good News

    Spirit of truth, who abides with us always and speaks wisdom to our hearts, remind us again of the good news that we received, that we would hold firmly to your proclamation of your goodness and presence with us and so be strengthened in our spirit day by day, through Jesus Christ our redeemer, who…

  • A Collect to Trust Jesus for Forgiveness

    A Collect to Trust Jesus for Forgiveness

    Lord Jesus Christ, who has risen from the dead and now holds the keys to life and death, grant us grace to trust you for all things in our lives, that we might receive from you forgiveness and life anew both now and in the coming age, through you who reigns with the Father and…

  • A Collect of Thanks for Those Who Witness to God’s Goodness

    A Collect of Thanks for Those Who Witness to God’s Goodness

    Heavenly Father, who desires that all people be willing to enter into your kingdom of grace and mercy, we thank you for giving us witnesses and evangelists from the beginning who have given us the good news of your power and goodness towards us, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with…

  • A Collect of Praise for the Good Jesus Does

    A Collect of Praise for the Good Jesus Does

    Lord Jesus Christ, who was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, we praise you for the good you did throughout Judea and for the good you continue to do now, bringing healing and freedom to all who are oppressed by evil. May we see continually the good that you are about in the world…

  • A Collect for Peace

    A Collect for Peace

    Great Father over all creation, who desires good for all things you have made, grant peace to your children, that none would have to live in fear or want and that all might trust in your ways of humility and love for one another, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you…

  • A Collect to Put an End to Prejudice

    A Collect to Put an End to Prejudice

    God of justice and love, who accepts each and every soul who comes to you, help us to cast aside prejudice, partiality, and exclusion, that we might love as you do, accepting all whom you have created and seeking the good of every beloved creation of your hand, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who died…

  • An Easter Collect

    An Easter Collect

    Lord of life, who holds the keys to death and Hades, may we see Jesus, raised from the dead and waiting to receive us, and so receive the gift of undying life that he offers and so be alive to you and to one another in Christ, through him who with you and the Holy…

  • A Holy Saturday Collect

    A Holy Saturday Collect

    Holy One of God, who endured such suffering for our sake, may we sit in silence this day, as did Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, letting the truth of your sacrifice wash over us, that our hearts may know the enormity of what you have done and be filled with awe at your humility…

  • A Good Friday Collect

    A Good Friday Collect

    Lord Jesus, who did not turn from the path of suffering and death, grant us courage to follow you, willing to enter into darkness, pain, and trouble, trusting that the Father will receive us and that good may yet come out of evil if we do not shy away, through you who now reigns with…

  • A Maundy Thursday Collect

    A Maundy Thursday Collect

    Lord Jesus, our teacher who bears authority over us, your servants, move our hearts to love and serve one another, and let not our pride dissuade us, that we would ever be willing to strip away station and status and give of ourselves as you showed us to do, through you who was exalted high…