Author: mgreen

  • A Collect to be Transformed in God’s Love

    A Collect to be Transformed in God’s Love

    Loving Father, who has created us out of a desire to share your great love, continue to transform us day by day until that final day on which we will see you face to face and be fully changed into your likeness by the great magnitude of your power and goodness, through Jesus Christ our…

  • A Collect to Accept the Rejection of the World

    A Collect to Accept the Rejection of the World

    Our Father in heaven, whose ways are truth and love, let us not be surprised if we are rejected by the world when we follow your way of being, knowing that the world likewise rejected you, but keep us close to your heart, that we might rest secure in your love regardless of what the…

  • A Collect of Thanks that We Should be God’s Children

    A Collect of Thanks that We Should be God’s Children

    Gracious Father, whose love is beyond measure, we thank you for receiving us as your beloved children and heirs of your kingdom of love, joy, and peace. May we be ever grateful for your generous gift to us, through Jesus Christ our Lord, our brother, teacher, and Lord, who reigns with you and the Holy…

  • A Collect of Thanks for Jesus’s Mercy

    A Collect of Thanks for Jesus’s Mercy

    Gracious Savior, who suffered for the sake of those you love, we thank you for your mercy and for your interceding on our behalf. May we strive to do right before the Father, that we might not strain your generosity yet trust that our errors would not separate us from your love, through you who…

  • A Collect to Confess our Sins

    A Collect to Confess our Sins

    Holy Lord, whose mercy is ever boundless, may we be humble enough to admit when we have offended you and others, that in seeking forgiveness, our broken relationships might be reconciled and we would be cleansed from all wrongs, through Jesus Christ our Redeemer, by whom we have received access to you through the Holy…

  • A Collect to Recognize our Faults

    A Collect to Recognize our Faults

    Holy God, whose nature is goodness and whose character is without fault, help us to not deceive and fool ourselves into thinking that we are without sin, but may we be willing to recognize our faults, trusting in your forgiveness and constant willingness to show mercy and to restore us to life and fellowship with…

  • A Collect to Show Ourselves Openly to God and Others

    A Collect to Show Ourselves Openly to God and Others

    Heavenly Father, whose nature is light, help us to put aside the temptation to hide and instead show ourselves honestly to you and those who can receive us, that in being seen, we might be received by you and one another in love, forgiveness, and joy, through Jesus Christ your son our Lord, who gave…

  • A Collect for Lives that Match our Words

    A Collect for Lives that Match our Words

    Lord God, source of all light and truth and goodness, keep us from claiming to walk with you while failing to do what you have commanded, that our words would match our lives and our hearts would convict us of our wrongs and point us continually back to your kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord,…

  • A Collect to Join in Relationship with God

    A Collect to Join in Relationship with God

    Our Father in heaven, whose greatest desire is that all might be reconciled to you, we thank you for your gift of fellowship. Grant that we would receive time and again the hand you offer and join the loving relationships that you have enjoyed with the Son and the Holy Spirit since before creation, through…

  • A Collect of Thanks for Witnesses to Jesus’s Life

    A Collect of Thanks for Witnesses to Jesus’s Life

    Word of life, who walked and talked with your chosen disciples to demonstrate the true life to them in palpable ways, we thank you for giving us witnesses and evangelists who have declared to us the good news of your life and presence. May we receive their words and thereby receive the undying life that…