Author: mgreen

  • A Collect of Thanks for God’s Friendship

    A Collect of Thanks for God’s Friendship

    Lord of Heaven and Earth, who rules all things from your exalted throne, we praise you for your generosity in calling us friends. Let us never spurn the love and intimacy that you offer, that that friendship would be naught but joy to you and of great honor to us, through Jesus Christ your Son…

  • A Collect to Love One Another

    A Collect to Love One Another

    Lord Jesus, who has shown us what it is to truly love, may we also love one another well, following in the example you have given, that we would be sons of our Father, who created us out of an overflow of great love and desires that all might receive the love that is freely…

  • A Collect to Receive Well What Jesus Taught

    A Collect to Receive Well What Jesus Taught

    Loving teacher, who has walked with us eager that we receive what you give, let us receive well the things you have taught that we would be filled with the joy that you have the with the Father and Holy Spirit in this world and the world yet to come, through you who lives and…

  • A Collect to Bear Fruit

    A Collect to Bear Fruit

    Indwelling Spirit, our counselor and presence of the Holy One with us, stir up our hearts to bear the fruit of love, hope, and faith, that we would be pleasing to the Father and so fulfill our task as followers of Jesus, through him who gave up all things for our sake and received them…

  • A Collect to Remain Close to Jesus

    A Collect to Remain Close to Jesus

    Lord Jesus, the source of our life and all that sustains us, let us stay closely attached to you, lest we become useless to you and fail to show the love and virtues that you have created for us to produce and so deserve to be cast aside as fodder for destruction, through you who…

  • A Collect to Remain in Connection Always with Christ

    A Collect to Remain in Connection Always with Christ

    Lord Jesus, our source of life and goodness, draw us more and more to your heart that we would live close to you, and grant us also the grace to receive you moment by moment that you would remain close to us and so live in constant connection to the one who is our very…

  • A Collect to Abide in Jesus

    A Collect to Abide in Jesus

    Lord Jesus, through whom true life flows, help us to abide in you, to remain in your presence and love, that we might receive your life and power always and so naturally walk in your ways, producing the fruit of love, goodness, and joy, through you who sacrificed yourself for our sake and was exalted…

  • A Collect for the Word of Jesus to Cleanse Our Hearts

    A Collect for the Word of Jesus to Cleanse Our Hearts

    Spirit of the Lord Almighty, the presence of God in the air we breathe, trim and prune our hearts by the words spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ, that his teachings would not fall on deaf ears or lie fallow in our souls, but would effect change and growth in our hearts, producing a harvest…

  • A Collect to Anticipate the Pruning of Our Souls

    A Collect to Anticipate the Pruning of Our Souls

    Great Father and gardener of our souls, who delights in the life and growth of all that you have made, let us not be surprised when we face difficulties and losses, knowing that you at times must prune our hearts for our own good, that we might grow more fruitful and more of a blessing…

  • A Collect to Love Others in Deed and Truth

    A Collect to Love Others in Deed and Truth

    Almighty God, who reached down into our troubled world in order to show your love with our human flesh, grant that we would likewise love those around us so much that we step into their worlds and take action for their good and so prove ourselves children of our Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord,…