Author: mgreen

  • A Collect to Receive the Undying Life in Jesus

    A Collect to Receive the Undying Life in Jesus

    Gracious Father, source of all good things and most especially the goodness that is your presence and love, thank you for giving us the undying life that is in your Son, Jesus Christ. May we hold always to your Son that we may retain the life that flows through him and thereby remain in communion…

  • A Collect to Grow in Holiness

    A Collect to Grow in Holiness

    Almighty God, whose nature is holiness and whose word is truth, make us holy as you are holy, that we might rid ourselves of the sins and lies that strangle and entrap us and become free to live in your light according to the nature you have given us, through Jesus Christ our Savior, who…

  • A Collect to Understand the World’s Disdain

    A Collect to Understand the World’s Disdain

    Almighty God, whose thoughts and ways are high above our own, let us not be surprised if the world neither understands nor accepts us when we follow after you, knowing that you do not belong to the world, and your ways are foreign to this place, through him who showed us your life and was…

  • A Collect Asking for Joy

    A Collect Asking for Joy

    Lord Jesus, the perfect image of the Father made like us in every way, grant us your joy, that we might endure all things, knowing that you are with us and that what you do in us will produce great fruit for eternity and there reunite us with you, through you who reigns in glory…

  • A Collect to Be United in Love

    A Collect to Be United in Love

    Holy Spirit of God, our shield from all that would separate us from the Father, bind us together in bonds of love and goodness, that we might be one as you are one with the Father and Son, through whom and in whom we receive all good things and enjoy grace, mercy, and love without…

  • A Collect to be Protected from the World

    A Collect to be Protected from the World

    Spirit of the Father, in whose name our Lord walked among us, shield us from the things of this world, that we might not be corrupted by the vices in which the world abides but remain in you and your goodness all the days you have given us, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who ascended…

  • A Collect of Thanks for Jesus’s Showing Us the Father

    A Collect of Thanks for Jesus’s Showing Us the Father

    Lord Jesus, our teacher and master, we thank you for making known to us the truth of the Father, that we might know how to follow the word of the Lord in spirit and truth and so be children of the Lord, through you lives and reigns with the Father and Holy Spirit, one God,…

  • A Collect to Spread the Good News

    A Collect to Spread the Good News

    Father of light, who abides in heaven, and we abide in you, grant us the courage and will to proclaim your forgiveness and love to all nations, that many would turn to you and your ways and love you and one another in the name of Jesus Christ, through whom we receive your message of…

  • A Collect for Understanding of the Scriptures

    A Collect for Understanding of the Scriptures

    Spirit of the Holy One, source of all true knowledge and understanding, open our minds to understand the scripture and the truth that Jesus has spoken and lived among us, that we might repent of all that is not of you and preach to the world that which is good and right and true, through…

  • A Collect for the Ascension of the Lord

    A Collect for the Ascension of the Lord

    Lord Jesus Christ, who has returned to the Father in Heaven, may our hearts be filled with joy at your reunion with the Father, trusting that one day we will likewise be taken up to be with you and share in even greater and unending joy in your presence, through you who reigns over all…