Author: mgreen

  • A Collect to Hear and Heed the Voice of the Lord

    A Collect to Hear and Heed the Voice of the Lord

    Great Jehovah, Lord over heaven and earth, grant us ears to hear when you call us, that we might recognize your voice and respond with willingness to know what you desire of us and obey your commands, through Jesus Christ our redeemer, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit in glory, one…

  • A Collect to Endure in Struggle

    A Collect to Endure in Struggle

    Shield of the weak and strength to the weary, keep us from giving in to despair when we face struggles and trials, trusting in your mercy and your desire to sustain us so that your life would remain visible in us, through Jesus Christ our example, who suffered and yet was raised to new life…

  • A Collect to Give Glory to God

    A Collect to Give Glory to God

    Lord God, almighty and exalted high above all creation, let us not forget our frailty, lest we credit ourselves for our works and neglect that it is you who has blessed us with life and breath and has worked in and through us all along, through Jesus our savior, who lived the life we could…

  • A Collect of Thanks for God’s Revelation in Christ

    A Collect of Thanks for God’s Revelation in Christ

    God of light and life, who created all things by your word, we thank you for enlightening us with the knowledge of your glory in Jesus. Grant us eyes to see you through the scriptures and through your Spirit, through him who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit in perpetual light in highest heaven.…

  • A Collect to Engage with Jesus

    A Collect to Engage with Jesus

    Lord Jesus, who desires to lead us into wisdom and truth, keep us always willing to engage with you in life and to talk with you about where you are leading, that we might not resist your leading but in humility discover the real good that you offer, through you who ascended to reign forever…

  • A Collect to Take Advantage of the Sabbath

    A Collect to Take Advantage of the Sabbath

    Lord God, who has given us the sabbath for our benefit, help us to take advantage of the rest and refreshment that the sabbath provides, that we might be renewed and strengthened in space with you and one another and become ready again to take up your work of reconciliation in the world, through Jesus…

  • A Collect to Find Freedom in God’s Law

    A Collect to Find Freedom in God’s Law

    Gentle Father, who knows our needs and our limitations, help us to understand the laws you have given us, that we would not follow blindly or constrict ourselves to our own detriment but find freedom and goodness in all that you have ordained, through Jesus Christ our guide and example, who lives and reigns with…

  • A Collect to Put to Death the Deeds of the Flesh

    A Collect to Put to Death the Deeds of the Flesh

    God of grace and mercy, who guides us to true life, help us to put to death those things that draw us away from life and health, that we might live well now and be ever more ready to live forever with you in eternity, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives forever with you…

  • A Collect of Thanks for God’s Mercy

    A Collect of Thanks for God’s Mercy

    Lord Almighty, whose judgements are just and whose mercy is great, we thank you for not condemning us for our wrongs and for striving to rescue us from the destruction in which we have mired ourselves. Grant us grace to take hold of the rescue that you offer, through Jesus Christ our Savior, who intercedes…

  • A Collect to Look to Jesus for Life and Healing

    A Collect to Look to Jesus for Life and Healing

    Lord Jesus Christ, who was lifted up as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, let us look to you when we recognize our pain and suffering, that we might receive life and healing and be restored to wholeness, through you who was raised to new life by the power of the Father and…